Chapter Two || Training

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9:30 AM

As dawn broke, the first hints of sunlight bathed the Task Force 141 base in a warm glow. The tranquil outside world around the base was stirring to life. On the horizon, a river coiled and twisted, its surface rippling under the gentle morning breeze as if under a spell, immersing in the warm, golden hue of the mid-morning sun. Nearby, the forest that had stood sentinel all night was now awash with a divine play of light and shade as the sun's rays sneakily peeked through its dense canopy. Just as the tranquil night gave way to the promising dawn, Sky was nestled comfortably in her quarters. Bathed in muted moonlight and lulled by the gentle hum of the outside world, she had surrendered her thoughts and worries to the refuge of slumber. But as the first delicate brushstrokes of light swept across the star-studded canvas of the sky and gradually dyed it in warm gradients of morning hues, the tranquility of Sky's quarters vanquished.

     An insistent knocking on her door brutally shattered Sky's dream-filled stupor. Muttering irritable remarks beneath her breath, she buried her face in a soft cushion, chastising the undeniable audacity of such an untimely disturbance.

     However, the iron grip of consciousness began to tug at her relentlessly, shaking her from her drowsy slumber. The sudden reminder of the day's hefty schedule hit her with the impact of a runaway train, making her bolt upright as the severity of the situation dawned upon her.

     "Fuck!" She exclaimed, flinging aside the comforting bed covers that had surrounded her in a cocoon of warmth throughout the night. The cherished heat from her person swiftly dissipated in the room as she embarked on a frenzied search for her clothes. The prior night's choice not to unpack was now a burden, sending waves of regret over her.

     "Coming!" Without any hesitation, she swiftly slipped into a shirt and a pair of trousers grabbed from her duffle bag, making a beeline for the door. Not a moment was lost as she flung the door wide open.

     Simon was positioned oppositely, his arms folded in a noticeable display of irritation. His face was concealed by his balaclava, but she could almost visualize his unmistakable expression of discontent. His attire consisted of dark shorts paired with a white tee, humorously adorned with a rather average joke about cops and donuts. This morning, he had been anticipating Sky's arrival for training, and her absence had intensely irked him. When Sky entered the room, Simon's displeasure at her late arrival was unmistakable, despite what Sky thought was his attempt to conceal it.

     Understanding her second impression could've been better, she found herself grappling with an unmistakable inner conflict. No magic could rewrite the past or adjust the hands of time for a punctual arrival. Now, she found herself nervously standing at the doorway, her hand instinctively finding its way to the back of her head in an awkward gesture.

     "I'm sorry," she voiced, the words barely escaping her holdback. It was this inherent disposition of hers, a dislike for letting people down, whether intentionally or inadvertently.

     "Well, come on then," There was a gentle lilt to his voice that somewhat softened his evident annoyance, yet his resolution remained unyielding, indicating his refusal to let anger overtake him. As he guided her towards the training grounds, she quickly moved to match his pace, absorbing his outlined expectations along the way.

     "You're going to need to learn to act quickly without a weapon. Sometimes you won't have one, and you need to how to handle that effectively." The phrase rang a bell, and Sky recognized his high standards of expertise.

     Finding herself abruptly stirred from slumber, all she could manage was a nodding confirmation and a mumbled, "I'm already aware of that," her voice betraying a hint of strain.

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