𝟎𝟎𝟒 ━ vacation

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♡ .  🕷   . ♡

2,154 words

WITH A SWEEP of her arm, Sky's mother gracefully lifted her into a comfortable position on her hip. Simultaneously, her other hand deftly maneuvered a suitcase in her tow. "Come on, honey!" she urged, "We can't afford to miss the plane! We need to get to the airport!" Despite her mother's insistent hurrying, Sky tried to squirm free from her grip, yet found the resolute clasp immovable. "But mommy! Melody hasn't had her breakfast yet!" Sky stubbornly aired her grievances. However, her mom remained undeterred, steadily propelling them towards the entrance of their hotel suite, roping her dad into the turmoil.

     "Put her down, Angie," Her dad let out a soft laugh as he walked closer. Without a second thought, her mom gently lowered Sky to the floor. A sweet laugh bubbled up from Sky as she delighted in her newfound independence. Her dad got down to her eye level, eliciting a heartening grin from Sky as she bridged the gap between them. "What do you say we go get breakfast at the airport? Melody can even come too," With a playful twinkle in his eyes, he gestured towards the fluffy bunny cradled in Sky's arms. Seeing this, Sky beamed brightly and held Melody up for all to see.

     "Did you hear that Melody? You get to have a fancy breakfast!" The exchange brought a grin to Angie as she once again took hold of their luggage. "The airport has great breakfasts, you'll see!" She joyfully exclaimed, embracing the fluffy bunny with all the ardor she could muster. "And when we get home, Melody can see her friends again! It's gonna be so much fun!" The idea of such a delightful day caused Sky's heart to flutter joyously.

     With grace, Angie once more lifted her daughter into her arms, and without any ado, the family of three departed the room. As they sauntered down the hallway of the charmingly rustic, mid-century-inspired hotel, suitcases trailing behind them, Sky's father made sure to securely lock the door in their wake.

     "Where do you want to go for breakfast then, love?" Angie posed her inquiry, entrusting her suitcase to her father.

     "How about Teremok?" Paul chimed in, a teasing smile on his face.

     "Unfortunately, Paul, Sky didn't like it the last time we went there," Angie exhaled sharply, tossing him a brief but stern look. "How about we keep it plain and simple and go to McDonald's?" The mention of McDonald's stirred a surge of excitement within Sky as she jiggled joyfully in her mother's embrace.

     "Can we? Can we? Can we?" She echoed her plea once again, and to her astonishment, her mother directed her gaze toward her father, and they both voiced their agreement simultaneously.

     "Alright, alright. You can have all the chicken nuggets you want," Angie expressed herself with sureness, a fleeting grin playing at the edge of her mouth. "But you have to promise that you and Melody are going to eat all your food." Sky's spirit surged with excitement as she gave an eager affirmative nod. At long last, the elevator chimed, gradually coming to a halt. As the doors slid open, they unveiled a majestic entrance hall, and they stepped out in unison.

     About thirty minutes later, they made it to the airport, enduring a somewhat dull and slightly steep cab fare. To Sky, however, the journey felt an eternity. As soon as they stepped foot into the lively airport terminal, Sky couldn't contain her thrill, impulsively dashing on the escalator to the check-in desk. Her parents exchanged humorous looks before quickly following their vibrant daughter. "Woah, Sky! Wait up!" Paul found himself shouting as he ran, his legs straining in an attempt to match the sprightly pace of Sky His complexion flushed from the unexpected burst of exercise, yet his wide grin portrayed nothing but happiness, derived from his daughter's bliss.

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