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The first few days of Loren being in Thailand was amazing, we spent every moment together and it made me realize how much I missed him. It's crazy to think how fast I've gotten so bonded with him, but I just loved who I was with him.

He and I had dinners with my parents twice and my dad liked him. They were always joking while my mom kept giving me a smile, basically showing me how much she approves of him. Right now Loren was teaching me how to play the guitar, though I'm sure it sounded more like a baby hyena crying for help.

"I suck at this." I whined as he sat me on his lap, chuckling into my shoulder. "It's no fair, you're so talented."

"And you're gorgeous, baby." He kissed my head and took the guitar away, placing it against the wall. "We each have our own talents, mine just happens to be something you suck at."

He laughed when I went to punch his arms playfully. "No bruises, please." I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, trying to keep the smile off my face. "Come on, let's go get ready."

I squealed when he stood up, turning me around so I could wrap my legs around his waist as he walked us to my room. I smiled as I placed my head on his shoulder, loving how he was just holding me though he could have set me down. It made me feel cherished.

"Baby. You have to let go." He grinned as he tried tickling my sides. "Liv, don't make me tickle you!"

"No." I whined, laughing as I held onto him tighter. He flopped us on the bed, but I still didn't loosen my hold. He started tickling behind my thigh where I was the most ticklish and I immediately started laughing, trying to now kick away from him.

"Okay! Okay! Truce." I tried catching my breath, smiling at how adorable his laugh was. He leaned down, giving me a small kiss. "Do we really have to leave? We could just stay in and cuddle."

"I want to do some shopping at a mall I've never been to." He smirked as he got off the bed, going through his bag for his hoodie.

"You and Lali have the worst shopping addiction." I stuck my tongue out to him as I went to change into a more casual outfit. We left out to my car as he held onto my thigh, one of my favorite habits I won't admit to him.

He started talking about his latest projects with his band, how he was excited to release more songs and mentioned that Yang was planning to use him in a music video with the girls once they were finished recording an album.

We got to the mall and he held onto my hand as we walked in. I let him choose what stores caught his eye and tried ignoring how some people were trying to casually take photos of us, even though we're only shopping.

"Ooh I like this one." I showed the cologne to him, smiling when he nodded in agreement. It was a fresh but manly smell, not too overpowering. I saw another jacket I knew he would like so as soon as he went to browse, I grabbed his size and took the items up to buy.

He found me after, giving me a confused look when he saw my new bag. "I'll show you later." I promised and he bought more things from the mall. We went to the food court, wanting something small before we went out for dinner later.

"I'm gonna go wash my hands." I said to him as he went to stand in line for some Thai food. I made sure to be quick, knowing I'd have to translate before he could order. I went out, but stopped when I saw a girl standing too close to him, grinning at him flirtatiously.

Only person allowed to give him that look is me I snarled in my head as I walked over, lacing my arm with his and giving the girl not the nicest smile in the world. "Who's this, babe?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know he was taken." The girl immediately apologized, a blush taking over her cheeks and I narrowed my eyes slightly at her. "Sorry about this. Bye."

She walked off quickly and I saw a paper in Loren's hand. "Her number?" I guessed and he shrugged, handing it over. I opened it and immediately tossed it when I saw it was one. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me.

"So possessive." He kissed my head and I could see her out the corner of my eye, sitting at a table with her friends. They looked over and I smirked, making sure they all knew he wasn't free for the taking.

"You like it." I winked, standing up on my tippy toes to give him a peck and soon we got to order. We ate in peace, despite the small glances the poor girl would still give here and there. We continued to shop for a bit after before calling it a day.

"Who knew you loved shopping more than me." I said as we put the last of the many bags into the trunk of my car. I hoped he had room in his suitcase, though I wouldn't mind him leaving some stuff behind. Just in case I missed him and wanted a sweater.

We got back home and I immediately ran to my room, leaving the bags in the living room. I threw myself on my bed, now wanting a nap before dinner.

"Wait." Loren said as he pulled me to sit up gently. He took my hair out of the ponytail and out of the leather jacket I was wearing. I kept on my tee shirt and shorts, grinning when I saw him take off his hoodie.

"You're napping with me?"

I jumped under the covers, opening my arms out to him as he slid in, letting out a sigh of relief as he cuddled on me. I held onto him, kissing his head and smiling at how perfect this felt.

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