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It happened. The day came when it was time for me to board back to Thailand after spending two amazing weeks with my sister and friends. I wiped my eyes as I held onto Jisoo, loving how close we got and I could start to understand the basic sentences she said.

Rosie was silently crying with Jennie, both of them trying to block the front door to Lisa's apartment. My sister was holding onto Leo and I hated how sad she looked. Jisoo let go and I bid my goodbyes as Lisa helped me carry my bag down to the lobby.

"I'm going to miss you so much." She sobbed once the doors closed in the elevator and I tried not to tear up. I dropped my bag, throwing my arms around her neck and she cried into my shoulder. I hated saying goodbye to her, but I know Korea wasn't where I should be just yet.

She threw on her sunglasses as she walked out into the lobby with me. We walked out and I widened my eyes when I saw Loren standing in front of his car with a smile. "Surprise," he chuckled as I ran right over to him.

I jumped in his arms, happy to see him especially when I thought I wouldn't see him before I left. Lisa tossed my suitcase in his backseat as he set me down. "You sure you don't want to come?" Loren asked Lisa as he held onto my waist.

"I can't. Boss is worried rumors will start more if we're driving back together. Drive safe with my sister." She warned him with a glare as she hugged me once again. "Call me when you get past security and when you make it home safe okay?"

"I will." I promised as Loren opened the door for me. I rolled down the window as he went to get in the car. "I love you, Lali."

"I love you, Oli." She held onto my hand, squeezing it gently before walking back inside. I rolled up the window before relaxing into my seat, smiling over at Loren who was holding onto my hand now.

"Thank you for taking me to the airport. I was nervous I wouldn't see you before I left."

"I would've been offended if you took a drivers company instead of mine." He scoffed playfully and I giggled. "Liv, don't you know I'm your personal Uber here."

"5 stars." I winked as I held onto his hand, but pulled out my phone to text my mom, telling her I was headed to the airport then I'd be home by night time for dinner.

Loren and I had come to an agreement that we would give ourselves the chance to see how we could handle the long distance. We weren't exactly official, but we also weren't free game for others. We made it to the airport and he grabbed my suitcase as I put on my bag.

I smiled when he cupped my face, giving me a kiss on the forehead then a couple sweet kisses. We ignored the cameras and flashes as much as we could, but we said our goodbyes. "I'll miss you, baby." He gave me another kiss and I waved to him as I left inside the airport.

"Miss Manoban, please follow us." A man said as he and a few others guarded around me as I started to get swarmed. Many asked questions on my relationship with the girls and with Loren but I didn't answer any.

They helped me make it through the airport safely and I thanked them as it was time for me to the board the plane. I texted my sister and Loren that I made it on the plane safely, before shutting my phone off.

I thanked the flight attendant for my glass of champagne and towel as I relaxed in my first class seat. I had a quick meal on the flight before having the bed made so I could sleep the last five hours. The bed was so comfortable and they kindly woke me up as we started landing.

We made it into Bangkok and I walked out the plane, heading down to wait for my suitcase. I started to feel anxious when many tried taking pictures, many knowing it was me and not Lisa but I still felt uncomfortable being so crowded.

I stared down at my shoes, feeling very crowded and like I had no privacy as they all got super close to me. "Please autograph!" A woman yelled as she suddenly grabbed onto my arm and I immediately felt tears.

Many started screaming at her not to touch me and I felt like I just wanted to rush back to Korea where people didn't just grab onto me. I grabbed my suitcase, practically running out of the airport but they started chasing after me.

"Please leave me alone," I begged gently as phones were being shoved in my face and bodies bumping into me. I cried, just wanting to be left alone. When you see pictures of celebrities being surrounded by people, you don't really understand how intense it really is.

"Back it up! Back it up!" Security guards started running over to help as I stopped to calm myself now that I felt like I could breathe. They helped me out the airport and I ran into my mothers car. I cried in her arms, her hugs making me feel like a child again.

"That was so horrible. Mom, so many cameras and phones, bodies slamming into me. I couldn't calm myself or breathe." I wiped my eyes, relaxing into the seat now.

"Let's get you home, honey. Your dad and I made you dinner and he's waiting at the house for you." Mom rubbed my arm and as we pulled in to the house, Lisa called my phone.

She was freaking out because videos of me crying in the airport was going around. I told her I was safe but just was really overwhelmed since I was alone and didn't have anyone with me.

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