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Olivia POV

"So what'd you think?" Lisa grinned as she skipped over to me once the girls arrived in the Special backstage room. She wrapped her arms around me and I smiled at her.

"You were awesome. All you girls did amazing. I think I'm a Blink now."

"BLINK!" Jisoo squealed as she hopped over to give me a hug too.

"So when are you planning to move to Seoul?" Lisa smiled and I giggled at her joke.

"Funny, Lali."

I felt awkward when her smile dropped and her serious face was on. It was then I could tell my sister wasn't kidding. "Lisa you can't really expect me to just leave my life behind in LA."

"I can when you know now you were kidnapped and found your family. Why would you want to move back with your kidnappers?"

"Lisa. I have my own place actually and mom is flying back with me to arrest them. I'll have to apply for my own citizenship there but I'm not moving any time soon."

I was surprised when Lisa gave me a harsh glare and then stormed out of the room, Jennie giving me an apologetic look before jogging out after her.

"They're the closest. They were the original duo before Blackpink formed so whenever ones mad, only Jennie or Lisa can calm each other down." Rosé explained as she led me over to a secluded corner.

I could see my family glancing over with concerned looks but I felt bad that I ruined her night. "I just don't want my life to revolve around hers. I understand we're twins and we found each other, but if I want to stay in LA, then I should be able to."

"I agree, but Lisa gets attached when she truly cares. I mean, you guys missed each other after only being a few hours apart, imagine half the globe away."

I frowned at Rosie's point. Hailey put her hand on my shoulder, "You shouldn't miss out on any more moments with your family. You're right, Lisa shouldn't expect Seoul, but I've never seen you so happy than here in Thailand."

"But what about you?" I laced our fingers, "We also never stayed long from each other."

"Then it's a good thing you have a house here that I can visit whenever I want." I smiled when she hugged me tight. "If moving to Thailand is something that could make you happy, then so be it. I'll be supporting you."

I hated to say it, but once the States saw I wasn't a citizen, chances are I probably wouldn't be allowed to stay there. I didn't know a lick of Korean, how could they expect me to just move there?

If I got sent back to Thailand, I had my own place and I would manage here. I understand my sister doesn't want to separate from me, but I refused to shadow her.

"I do have to bring the bad news." Rosé gave me a sad smile as she wrapped her arms around my arm. "Our boss wants to see you. There could be a lot of news about a long lost twin to a KPOP idol and your safety could be endangered too. He just wants to meet and go over some things as Lisa's twin."

"I don't want rules on how I live, Rosé." That's the one thing I refused. Lisa may have signed up for this life, but I didn't. If she couldn't have drink or have tattoos, that's her rules.

Not mine.

"Just please do this one thing for Lisa. If he wants to meet it will probably be once the world tour is over. Enough time to think it over. Please?"

I glared at her pout, "It's so hard to say no to that face and you know it."

"I know." She grinned triumphantly and we started to get ready to leave. I hugged all my family and Lisa's friends goodbye. I hugged the girls, but Lisa and Jennie weren't around when I left which made me really sad.

We got to the hotel and Hailey wanted to sleep right away but I had a lot on my mind. I took the key and went out to head down to the pool area, wanting some fresh air to think.

I couldn't move to Seoul. I had the finances and all, but I would feel so out of place there. I wanted to be a part of my sisters life, but I didn't want my sisters life to be mine. I wanted to be able to live my life and support her from the sidelines.

I sighed as I laid on the pool chair, staring up at the sky. This could've been my life. I could have grown up seeing this sky and thinking nothing of it. Thinking of this as home rather than a foreign country I was visiting.

I so badly wish Lisa and I could have grown up together. I wish she and I could have had memories but I was pretty sure Lisa wouldn't have left me to go to Korea at that age.

Blessing in a sad disguise.

"Oli?" I jumped in surprise and turned to see a nervous Lisa in a hoodie and sweats. I saw her manager wasn't around, but I didn't say anything on it. "Can I join?"

"Yeah." She sat down on the chair, I could practically see how she was struggling to apologize for earlier. I smiled at her, "Lali, you don't have to apologize. I know you just really want me around and feel bad for earlier."

"I'm sorry." She leaned over to hug me and I hugged her back. "I was so scared that was your last day in Thailand and wouldn't be here. I know you live in LA but I didn't want us to leave on bad terms. I just... I guess it's my protective sister instincts. I don't want you in any danger when I'm countries away."

"I get that, I do, but that's life. Yeah, I don't want that for you either but we can't protect each other from everything. How about this? I promise if it becomes too hard, I'll consider Seoul. I'll take professional Korean classes and if I'm okay with the language, I'll move there."

Her squeal of excitement made me smile wide. I had a feeling I'd regret this later on, but all that mattered right now was the fact I had my twin in my life again. I was back with my family and my best friend was supporting me.

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