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I grinned at how cool the night markets in Seoul were. I kept a pair of sunglasses on, but I highly doubted I had to worry about being spotted so soon. Loren claimed he wasn't known well enough as much as the girls so we could be mostly normal tonight.

He was actually really funny and I appreciated how much he cared to have conversations. He asked me about my favorite things, my birthday, and what my plans for my life were. I asked him questions as well, wanting to know whatever he was willing to share with me.

"This one, is probably my favorite." I held up the spicy rice cakes that Loren recommended. "Tteok-bokki?"

"They're normally much spicer." He said as he took the bite I offered to him. "But still a very good classic Korean dish."

"I love spicy food. Gosh, California is nothing like this." I gestured to the nightlife as we found a bench nearby to sit at.

"Liv, don't make it obvious but there's a guy taking your picture behind the bush." Loren said as he suddenly created distance, making me frown. "Remember we have rules."

"You have rules too?"

"Not as strict at the girls." He shrugged as he gestured to his tattoos. "I just don't want any rumors creating about you."

I thought it over to myself. I had two options, that I could either let these stupid rules decide if I allow distance with Loren or I could say to hell with them and follow what I truly want.

"Too bad." I shrugged as I sat closer, hugging onto his arm and he looked surprised. "I'm going to be completely honest and say I'm attracted to you. I actually like you and I'm not rushing anything, but I'm not putting distance for a few stupid pictures."

"You're definitely polar opposites." He laughed as he removed his arm from my grasp, now wrapping it around my shoulders and I leaned into him. "No rushing, but for honesty sake, I'm attracted too. I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable twice in one night."

I grinned into his hoodie, mentally awing at how considerate Loren is. He genuinely is the perfect example of don't judge a book by its cover. The tall bad boy with tattoos has treated me with more respect than any guy I've known in the States.

We stayed out for a while more before heading back to Lisa's apartment. Loren drove us back, wanting the privacy for us. "Thank you for that. I had so much fun and I liked getting to know you more."

"You deserve all this and more, Liv. You're so funny, beautiful, and kind. I don't want to mess it up, but this life isn't easy. I'll be busy a lot, I'll have moments were I can't be there if you need me. I'll always make time for you but I don't want you wasting time either."

"My sisters an idol. Rules have already been made for me, I'll gladly take a couple more for you. Us on different countries too wouldn't be easy, but I like you. No rushing, but I'm willing to make time for you too."

He smiled at me, then pulled me in for a hug. "I got you something." He held up two keychains, sea turtles and it made me squeal. "I saw you looking at them so I got it while you went to the bathroom."

"Thank you!" I hugged him, kissing his cheek in thanks and he chuckled. We put our keychains on our key sets and I felt a knock on the car window.

"Miss Manoban, it's becoming suspicious now." One of the guards said as he gestured to a paparazzi across the block. I thanked him and hated that our time together ended.

"Goodnight, Liv."

"Goodnight, Loren." I smiled at him, before getting out the car and letting the guard lead me back inside. I used the keycard to get up to Lisa's apartment, grinning the whole way up the elevator.

I made it inside and could hear the soft snores coming from Lisa's room. I grabbed a glass of water before going to my room. I laid in bed, playing with the cute keychain Loren got me before I started thinking of what good and bad could come from us trying this out.

I was attracted to him and his personality, but he was an artist. He wanted the idol life my sister has and is doing good so far. Would I be able to handle the touring and fans? I haven't even opened up my own social media, slightly scared of what reaction the media is giving that they found out about us twins.

Would I be missing him too much in Thailand to want to do long distance? Would he get bored of a FaceTime girlfriend? I sighed, knowing I needed to get my sisters opinion on this but I'd wait until tomorrow.

I refused to wake her up, that is the definition of don't wake a sleeping bear. "Sweetest idol" my ass if they've ever met her in the morning. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning to hearing Lisa's angry voice.

"You don't get it. Jennie, you girls were rude last night and I didn't appreciate my sister close to tears. Oli can think I won't notice, but I can read her very well. I felt it." Lisa said in the living room.

I went over to the doorway, listening in slightly to make sure they didn't get too mad at each other. I was over it already, but I know Lisa is just protective of me. I'd be the same way if Hailey made fun of her so I couldn't stop her.

"Okay. Okay I promise to apologize when I see her. Lili, don't be mad at me please. I'm really sorry, I won't ever get that drunk again I swear," Jennie's pleading voice made me frown. I didn't want her upset.

I waited a couple of seconds before going out to the living room, wishing them a good morning. Jennie did apologize and I instantly forgave her. Lisa was happy again and I smiled at how cute their friendship was.

I opened up my phone and gasped when I saw Lisa's name trending on Twitter.


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