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"Alright. Ready?" Will asks as he gets in the drivers seat.
"Mmhmm." Jade smiles.
"So what did you have in mind?"
"Star City Divinity Dining."
"Hm...Never heard of it."
"I went there when I was eighteen for an assassination. It's a very expensive restaurant with dancing."
"Maybe I should've sold my business after all.
"Don't worry. Tonight's on me."
"Jade, we share the same bank account."
"Not all the money I've made over the years is in one place."
"That's frightening, but Jade, this is a date. I really don't mind paying. Actually, I enjoy it. I was just teasing."
"I know. But I want to do this. Unless of course I would wound your pride." Jade smirks.
"Very funny. But if you insist, I won't argue."

(Once they arrive at the restaurant, a waiter seats them at a private table on the balcony.)

"This is quite the view." Will says as he overlooks the ocean.
"You like it? I arranged for reserved seating.
"You certainly thought of everything. I'm gonna have to take you to Paris just to compete against tonight."
"I wouldn't mind that." Jade grins.
"I'm sure. But you're probably sick of traveling after a career of doing nothing but."
"It's true that I've been many place too many times, but nothing is the same when you spend it with those you care about."
"Sometimes I wonder if you are a romanticist, Jade." Will grabs ahold of Jade's hands, intertwining their fingers.
"Maybe I am. So tell me, Will. Why didn't you sell?"
"I won't deny it, Mr. Goodmen's offer was tempting. Very tempting. But after speaking with you, I realized how much I care about Bowhunter and how I would never want to see it in the wrong hands."
"I'm glad."
"Me too. Jade. I wanted to talk to you about this whole baby thing."
"Are you sure about this?"
"I mean, don't get me wrong. I am happy, but how do you feel about it?"
"Will, I know it seems so sudden. I understand if that scares you. But I refuse to live my life in fear. I truly believe that if we're meant to have another baby, it will happen."
"I know. I guess I can't help but remember all the pain we went through."
"I don't think it's worth worrying about, honey."
"Yeah. I guess you're right."
"Hey, you wanna dance?" Jade stands up, holding Will's hand.
"Everyone will be watching us."
"Good....What's the matter? Embarrassed?"
"I'm Red Arrow. I don't get embarrassed."
"Oh really." Jade smirks.

Slowly Will and Jade begin to dance to the calm, romantic music as others decide to do the same.

"Well, I guess we formed a trend."
"So it seems." Jade giggles.
"You know, it's funny. If someone had told me years ago that I would marry Cheshire and have a daughter one day, I would've taken them to Arkham."
"That's only because you wouldn't have believed you could get a girl like me. As I recall, you were kinda low in self esteem."
"I wasn't low, I was uninterested. I was so focused on getting the job done, I didn't have time for goofing off."
"Tell me. What did you think of me?"
"You mean when we first met?"
"I thought you were deranged."
"Thanks." Jade glares.
"Don't worry, Jade. After getting to know you, I learned how right I was."
"I'm teasing." Will laughs.
"Uh huh."
"Man, you are so pretty." Will glides his hand along Jade's cheek softly.
"I love you, Will."
"I love you too."
"If I told you something, would you try not to get mad?"
"That's concerning, but ok. I'll try."
"Crusher called my mom the other day."
"What did he want?"
"He said he wants to meet Lian and you."
"Well, that's never gonna happen." Will snickers.
"That's what I told mom. I think she's mad at me now."
"She claims he's changed and that it sounds like he's trying to do better."
"I would've thought your mom would understand better than anyone."
"Yeah. She said he spoke to her awhile ago and something about him seemed different."
"Please tell me you're not considering this."
"Don't be ridiculous, Will. I would never be ok with it."
"Well, good. Because it's not gonna happen. On a lighter note, what do you think about Wally and Artemis getting married next weekend?"
"I'm happy for both of them. It's really nice to see Artemis smile."
"I agree. She really had it rough."
"Sounds like Wally did too."
"So, Are we gonna talk about everyone else or are you gonna kiss me?"
"Oh I'm sorry." Will grins as he holds Jade tighter, forcing her closer before kissing her.

(Meanwhile at Zatanna's apartment.)

"Thanks again for inviting me, Z. I really needed a night out." Artemis says as she relaxes on Zatanna's bed.
"Duh. You're getting married soon. Of course you needed this. And it totally beats working late. So, you nervous?"
"You mean to get married?"
"A little. It's kinda funny. Before everything that happened, I wouldn't have been nervous at all, but now...I guess I feel like there's more to learn about Wally after so long."
"You think you don't know him?"
"I'd like to think I know Wally better than anyone. But after so long..."
"What you're trying to say is time changes people?"
"Yeah. But I've been spending a lot of time with him since."
"If anything, he's gotten sweeter."
"Not to mention hotter?"
"I prefer adorable. But hot works too."
"So, an island honeymoon, huh?" Zatanna smirks as she leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.
"Here we go." Artemis rolls her eyes.
"You gonna get a new swimsuit?"
"Of course."
"What's it gonna look like?"
"Frilly? Two piece?"
"Please, Zatanna. Don't make me blush. Let's just say it won't look like Jade's."
"What's her's look like?"
"Don't ask. I wasn't even supposed to see it, but I grabbed the wrong bag."
"Oh I believe it. Your sister is definitely a piece of work. I'm not even sure Will have figured her out yet."
"I doubt he ever will."
"So, how many kids are you and Wally planning on having?"
"Oh...I don't know. Maybe one or two."
"Awww!!! I can't wait! Little Wally and Artemis babies all over the place!"
"You're something else, Z." Artemis laughs.

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