Goodbye and Good Luck

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Today is the day I go to Wally's grave. I've done this every first Saturday of every month since his death. It's been so hard but surprisingly, going to his grave helps me. It makes me feel at peace. 'Sigh' not that feeling at peace will bring him back or anything. Mom says I need to forget about it no matter how difficult it is. She says going to his grave only opens the wounds back up. Maybe I should stop. After all, it's been over three years.

"Hey Sis. Sleep well?" Jade smiles, handing Artemis a cup of coffee.
"Yeah, fine. Thanks. Anyone else up?" Artemis asks.
"Nope. Just you and me."
"Cool. It's been a while since we hung out alone."
"I agree. Hey, are you ok?" Jade asks, noticing Artemis's sad look.
"Huh? Oh, I don't know." Artemis sighs.
"Mouse? Is it Wally?" Jade continues while sitting down, putting her arm around Artemis.

Immediately Artemis breaks down sobbing, grabbing ahold of Jade, hugging her tightly.

"It's ok, Sis. Just let it out." Jade says, holding her tight.
"I can't do this anymore, Jade. I miss him. I want him back. I loved him so much. I still do."
"I know, Sis. I know."

While Jade is comforting Artemis, Will wakes up, walking towards the kitchen. Before he enters, he sees Jade and Artemis talking and decides to give them a couple minutes.

"Listen Sis. I know mom has been telling you to move on for a while. Everyone probably has. But you need to just take a second and breath. I  remember when I thought you died. Even though we weren't very close at the time, it was hard to except. I didn't want too. So I decided to get revenge. I won't deny that it was wrong, but I understand why I wanted to do it. Maybe try really taking life a bit more seriously. Instead of constantly working, spend it with those you care about. Like for instance, Jason." Jade says.
"Jason?" Artemis replies tensely.
"Yeah. He cares about you. I could tell when I first met him. Give him more of a chance and you might find yourself happier. Maybe even more than before."
"Sigh. Maybe. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try." Artemis smiles.

A couple moments after talking, Will walks in as though he just woke up.

"Yaaaawwwwnn!! Morning." Will exclaims.
"Morning baby." Jade grins.
"Morning Will." Artemis says.
"So, how is my beautiful woman?"
"Good." Jade smirks.
"Common. Give me a kissy. Right here. On the lips." Will says, tapping at his lower lip.
"Alright. Fine. Mwah. Happy?" Jade smiles.
"Very. But I do expect more later."
"Will! Hush!" Jade loudly whispers causing Artemis to laugh.
"Ok. Ok. I'll quit." Will smirks.
"So Sis, do you work today?" Jade asks.
"No. It's Saturday."
"Right, but sometimes you work Saturday."
"Thankfully I don't."
"Great! I was hoping maybe we could go out or something if you wanted to."
"I'd love to Jade, but I have missions with Nightwing and Oracle today."
"Oh. I understand. Then maybe we could go out, honey." Jade says, smiling at Will.
"Sorry baby. I have missions too." Will replies.
"Oh. Then I guess it will just be me and Lian. That's good too."
"No, Lian has a play date with Amistad today.
"Who is Amistad?" Jade frowns.
"He is the son of Rocket." Artemis says.
"Well, I'll take her then." Jade grins.
"Don't worry, I'm going to drop her off on my way to Nightwing's place. She'll be fine in Rocket's care." Will says.
"Right, then I guess I'll find something to do around here." Jade frowns.
"Don't worry, baby. We'll be home before nine." Will says, gently stroking Jade's cheek.
Nine!" Jade blurts, standing up.
"Sigh, Jade. You know we have work to do. You will be fine." Will sternly replies.
"Oh! Thanks! Yeah! Go on! I'll be just fine on my own!" Jade yells before aggressively walking away while Artemis and Will look caught off guard.
"Sigh. You know Artemis, sometimes that woman is a lot of work." Will glares.
"Yeah, but no offense, Will. You're no better." Artemis giggles.
"Very funny."

After drinking his coffee, Will goes to his room, seeing Jade under their covers.

"Jade?" Will says, getting on their bed, trying to uncover her.
"Leave me alone. I'm sleeping." Jade grumbles.
"Common Jade. Don't pout. You're acting like our four year old daughter."
"No I'm not. Meanie."
"Meanie? Really?" Will smiles.
"You didn't even tell me about your missions or Lian's play date! You could have let me know!" Jade blurts, uncovering herself.
"Alright. I'm sorry. Forgive me?"
"Sigh. Ok. I need to shower." Will says, walking towards their bathroom before Jade throws a pillow at him.
"What the!" Will replies, turning around, seeing Jade's glare.
"Oh really? You want to play?" Will growls.
"Hardly. Fight? Yes. Very much." Jade continues glaring.
"I'm not gonna fight you, Jade. I may be irritated but I don't want to hurt you."
"Who said anything about hurting?" Jade smirks.

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