Coming Home

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Today was the hardest thing I ever did in my
life. Saying goodbye to the greatest, most loving man in my life. Not to mention the most attractive. I'll never understand why the best things in life never last as long as the worst. I guess that's it then. That part of my life, of me, is over.

"Hey Sis." Jade smiles, setting dinner on the table.
"Hi Jade." Artemis replies.
"How did it go?
"Fine. Thanks."
"I'm home!" Will announces, walking into the house."
"In the kitchen!" Jade says.
"Ahhh...finally I get to sit down." Will sighs, relaxing in 'his' kitchen chair."
"Mommy!!!" Lian runs in.
"Hi girly! How was your play date?" Jade asks.
"It was good! We played wild animals and ate brownies with frosting on top!"
"Oh really. Sounds sweet." Jade replies with a bewildered look.
"Alright LeeLee. Time to sit down and eat dinner." Will smiles.
"This looks, um...different." Artemis says hesitantly.
"It's Gỏi Cuốn." Jade smirks, clearly proud of the dish.
"Oh! I thought I recognized it. Grandma's favorite Vietnamese dish." Artemis replies.
"Eeeewwwww!!!! It has worms!" Lian cries.
"Honey, those aren't worms. They're greens. You know, vegetables. And there are small pieces of shrimp inside. Dip them in the sauce and try it." Jade explains confidently.
"Uh...Jade. Sweetie. This meal is lovely, but uh..." Will speaks before stopping, seeing Jades glare.
"Did you even try it?" Jade growls.
"Yes. It's very interesting." Will replies with a nervous grin.
"Good. Eat it."
"Uuuh...well. Artemis help me out here." Will whispers.
"It's very good!" Artemis smiles, chowing it down.
"Great. I forgot that you're sisters. You like this stuff." Will says, covering his face with his hands.
"Will, you don't like it?" Jade kindly asks.
"No Jade. I'm sorry." Will replies.

Quietly Jade stands up and walks towards the fridge grabbing bread and jelly.

"Here." Jade says, slamming it on the table in front of Will, catching him of guard.
"Huh?" Will says.
"Make your usual. Since my food isn't good enough for you. Or maybe you should go ask  Nightwing to make you something." Jade says sarcastically.
"What?! Is this because of the mission?!" Will yell, already irritated by earlier.
"No! You just don't appreciate anything at all!" Jade starts screaming.
"Common Lian. Let's go play." Artemis says, picking Lian up and taking her outside.
"Seriously Jade! You always have to go one step further!" Will starts screaming back.
"Oh really?!! Just forget it! Forget the hard work I put into everything! Forget everything we have ever meant to each!" Jade yells with tears falling down her face.
"Jade. Baby. Come here." Will calmly says, giving Jade a hug as she begins sobbing.
"Jade? Honey what's wrong? What is all this about?"
"I...I...don't...know!" Jade continues.
" It's ok. Will says, wiping Jade's tears to no avail.

After a few minutes, Jade only intensifies.

"Jade. Look at me. Stop. Ok. You need to take a breath. Here." Will firmly speaks, handing Jade some tissues.
"There. Better?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry." Jade sighs.
"It's ok. Just tell me what this all about?"
"I don't know. I guess I just felt like breaking down for no reason."
"Maybe you overworked yourself. Dinner was beautiful, honey. You did a great job. Artemis loved it, but Lian and I are picky when it comes to trying foreign foods. We like bad American food." Will smiles, receiving a giggle from Jade.
"Thanks. I didn't mean what I said about us. I hope you know that." Jade says.
"I know, baby. I know. Now come here." Will replies before gently kissing Jade.

Once dinner was cleaned up and Will was in the shower, Jade went outside to see Artemis and Lian.

"Hi Jade." Artemis smiles.
"Hi. Listen, I'm sorry about earlier." Jade says.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah. We worked through it." Jade grins.
"I'm glad."
"Me too. So where is Lian?"
"She's hiding behind that tree." Artemis says, pointing to a big pine tree.
"She's mad at you."
"Lian?" Jade says, walking towards the tree.
"...Yeeeaaah?" Lian quietly replies.
"Honey, I'm sorry about the fight. I didn't mean to startle you."
"Are you gonna leave?"
"Look at me, Lian. I will never ever leave you or Daddy ever again. You have my word, baby." Jade replies, firmly looking into Lian's eyes.
"Good!" Lian smiles, hugging Jade tightly.
"I love you, my girly." Jade grins.
"I love you too mommy."

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