7 - Nightmare's secret

Start from the beginning

He wrapped his big arms around my small body and wiped my tears away with his calloused thumb. Not to mention the fact that his small beard was tickling my head and cheeks.

"I..I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you and Dante." I cringed, the fact that I stuttered is just a bit too embarrassing. But it's what I am usually, after an intense crying even though it's normal for everybody.

"That's not a problem to us darling. But if you need help, you can ask me or one of your brothers okay?" I hesitated to nod. Asking my own brothers even though they don't care about me? That's totally good.

"Father, Davide sta aspettando la chiamata." Suddenly, Dante spoke to mister slendy in another language that I didn't understand. It might be italian since my family are italian people.

( Davide is waiting for/on the call. )

But he said an another name which was familiar to me. Davide. I heard that name from before but I couldn't remember much, so I just shrugged it off.

Mister slendy only nodded in response to Danre before his eyes shifted to me. "Bebe, go to sleep again, okay? It'll be a long day tomorrow. Good night and sweet dreams." He kissed the top of my forehead and lifted my small body as I was laid down at my own bed.


"Woah! So like, the Ricci family are very rich?" I asked my beautiful mom as she laughed in amusement, which made me a bit confused.

"Silly you! We're the Ricci family. But it's okay since I didn't really mention our last name before." I gasped in shock as I was trying to comprehend what I had just heard.

So basically, the Ricci family are one of the most wealthiest family known in Italy. But it's not just our own country that knows us, but also in other countries because of the five-star hotel business they stood at every nations.

It surprised me more because I didn't know that I came from the Ricci family. Last time, I was being held up hostage by some random people that were once my so-called parents and now I'm here with Mrs. Ricci, telling me that I'm a part of their family.

I was still dumbfounded at the news but mom helped me relax. Later on, we talked about the history of my own family. If I could remember, me and master once entered a five-star hotel from one of my parents here in Italy. I was still clueless before as I didn't know who my real parents were. I was just chillin' there and I couldn't believe that master would literally make me experience being inside an expensive hotel.

But what I didn't expect is that one of my brothers owned it. It was Andres, actually. It really is true that my family's business is somewhere around the globe, still active now.

Me and mama heard a loud opening of a door and I turned my head at  only to see two of my older twin brothers. Xandro and Xavrio. I don't know who was the first one who came out but they're still my older brothers.

I fear them a lot, more than Dante  and Andred, and I'm glad that we haven't been talking. But now that I'm in front of them, I don't think I'll survive to this one. Only if they talk to me though.

I gasped quietly and winced just a tiny little bit when I saw Xandro with a huge purple bruise located at his lower right cheek. I'd never imagine Xandro seeing in this poor state.

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