Brother and Sister

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It's March 2022 and Emma is in Melbourne to visit her brother Mick at the first race of the new season. She will also have a concert there. Her management tries to organize some of her concerts next to the race weekends, but so far this didn't really work out. Emma were visiting Mick only at three race last season. The last time they saw each other was on Christmas.

The day finally arrived and Emma walks into the paddock followed by a lot of paparazzi. She grow up with them but since she became a world famous singer and the girlfriend of Harry Styles paprazzi are getting crazier every day. It is always the best way to just ignore them. As she walks past the security Mick is already waiting for her with wide opened arms to welcome her.

"Hey my little sissy, I missed you so much", he looks at her from head to toe and she was already waiting for "Did you grow?"

She laughs. "No, Mick, I am not growing anymore."

"It means a lot to me, that you are here especially for the season start", he smiles and hugs her tight again. They are both very happy to be together again. Mick shows her around the paddock and introduces her to some new team members from Haas. They sit down infront of the Haas motorhome and catch up about their life, most of the time about Mick's racing. Emma is not comfortable to tell him about the break up with Harry yet. She wants to get some distraction, not thinking about him all the time.

Emma looks around and remembers the time when she was younger. "I really miss him, Mick", she get upset. Mick and her litteraly grow up in the paddocks, supporting their dad at the races. Since his accident, she misses being with her dad. But Emma always tells him, how excited things are and that she hopes that he would be very proud of her.

"Who do you miss? me?", a known face stands next to her: Sebastian Vettel. Emma gets up to hug him, "Good to see you, little one."

"How is it going with Aston Martin? Ah, you need to tell me everything", she has a big smile on her lips. It is not only good to see Mick in the paddock, also seeing the close friends of her family. A lot of them have been working with her dad and they all know her as a little kid. Emma is always a special guest to have around the paddock.

"We are getting there", he laughs, "How about your music? Aren't you supposed to be on world tour?"

"It's my last stop here in Melbourne before I am going on the US leg. You are invited to come to my concert on Sunday after the race", she smiles to Sebastian being very happy, until her phone rings. As she sees the caller ID her smile fades. She apoligizes and takes the phone call.

"What do you want, Harry?", she walks behind the trucks to talk in private. "Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Baby, we have to talk. Please..", she can hear his voice shaking, but her feelings are very hurt.

"No Harry, leave me. Just leave me alone... please", she hang up and leans her head against the truck. The tears are running down her cheeks as she slowly slides down to the ground crying. She leaves all the tears out, feeling very alone in that moment. Suddenly someone touches her shoulder and she looks up looking into brown eyes.

"Emma? It is really you?", he smiles at her not seeing how sad she is in the first moment. She gives him the smile not ready to say a word right now. "Are you okay?"

"Sure, thank you Charles", she doesn't want to talk to anyone about the break up, because she would only get more sad about it. And things between her and Harry are not talked out yet. Charles and Emma know for a few years already, but they never really talked to each other. Because of the Ferrari Driver Academy where also Mick is part of, she saw Charles a couple of times.

"Let me know, if you wanna talk about it, okay?", he wishes her tears away as she just nods to him.

"Please just don't tell Mick about it", Emma is afraid to get Mick into her own drama. She knows, Mick needs to improve to keep his seat at Haas. As a sister she wants the best for her brother and want him to focus on racing.

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