3. Break-Up

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After an exhausting soundcheck and some meet and greets I'm back in my hotel room. I lay on my bed to scroll through social media as it knocks on my door. I open the door and see Mick. "Oh, it's you."

"Very nice welcome, sissy", he laughs and walks in. "How was your soundcheck?"

"Pretty exhausting, so what do you want?", I'm a bit annoyed.

"I'm very excited for the concert", he ignores my mood, since it's normal for me. Mick knows how to handle it.

"Well, you've never been to one before", I finally start to open up and tell my big brother how I feel about him missing all of my concerts.

"I know, and I'm sorry about that", he sighs and sits down next to me onto the bed. "It's just too much for me sometimes, handling this- it's hard."

"I know", I look down and start to play with my hands on my lap. "You should always focus on racing."

"Thank you", he smiles and gives me a kiss on the forehead, "Wanna join us for dinner? Going with Esteban and Elena."

"No, thank you. I'm staying here", I smile softly. I'm disappointed in my brother, because he still doesn't care at all. He doesn't understand.

"Sure, I'll bring you some pizza around later, if you want", he stands up and walks to the door. "Oh, by the way, did you talk to Harry because of the pictures with Lando?"

"Eh, yes, sure. It's all good. He knows the media", I lie and put on a smile. Mick is happy to hear it and hugs me goodbye before he leaves. I text my bodyguard to go outside for a bit. He comes to me a few minutes later and we go to the park together.

"Harry called me", he smiles softly. He is the only one I told about the break up so far. He is with me all the time and would've wondered what's going on.

"Just ignore him and don't tell him anything", I start to get upset again. After wallking around with Tyler for a bit, I tell him to stay back as I sit down alone on a bank in the hotel park. I take out my phone to look at some old pictures of her and Harry.

"This one looks very cute", a familiar voice stand infront of me

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"This one looks very cute", a familiar voice stand infront of me. I look up and see Charles. I'm a bit confused. "The picuture looks very cute."

I look down at the picture again without saying anything. I can feel how the tears are coming into my eyes. Charles sits down next to me, seeing the tears and puts his hand on my knee to comfort me.

"Tell me, what's going on, huh? Did he hurt you?", he feels sorry and really wants to help me out of the sadness.

"There- There is this girl, another girl. I know that they meet", a tear starts to roll down my cheek which I wish away quickly. Can this eyes just stop crying all the time? When does it stop?

"He cheated on you?", he looks shocked to me, and his anger starts to fill up in his face.

"Yes, no, I don't know", I sigh and more tears are running down my cheeks. Seriously I don't wanna cry anymore, "I asked him about it, but he said there is nothing to worry."

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