Chapter V - The Strongest Bonds Are Forged In The Fires Of Adversity

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"Suzune, leave now, at once. I have important matters to discuss with your classmate."

".. Y- yes."

The fact that he dismissed Horikita would be mean that I am important to him in some way, I didn't know why nor do I care to but I can't just leave, since I'm in the presence of the Student Council President right now. Anyhow, once Horikita left the scene, I expected him to continue talking but instead he launched his right foot towards my face to which I reacted quickly to and moved my head a few inches before contact.

Soon thereafter, he threw a punch using his right fist aimed at my head again but this time I blocked using my left arm. I didn't exactly knew the consequences if I did choose to fight back, the Student Council holds plenty of power so I considered the risk that this would turn on me in some way so the most I could do is defend myself.

While I prepared myself for another strike, that strike never came.

"You seem to fight as if you're a professional. Which of the arts are you trained in?"

"Just some piano and calligraphy," I responded.

After I gave my response jokingly, he chuckled once and went back to putting on his serious face.

"You're just as fascinating as your grades."

"What're you talking about?"

"Before we continue, I prefer if we talk far away from the third year dorms. Follow me."

I'm not in any position to refuse even if I wanted to so reluctantly, I follow him just as he asked me to. As we walked though, it was along the path I just came from. Not exactly the perfect place to have a private conversation but at least you could see who is coming near you.

"When I reviewed this year's batch of students, a particular student caught my attention. Yours."

"What for?"

"The interview you had wasn't anything special, if anything, it was average at best," he continued, "But your scores in the entrance exams. That was something else. All 50s, almost as if it was planned. No, you definitely did it on purpose."

"How could you know? Coincidences can be freaky, after all," I countered.

"Doesn't matter, you won't change my mind."

"If at all possible and I don't mean to be rude, but could you get to the point? It's getting rather late."

"Certainly, I don't prefer being out here for too long either."

Before he kept talking, the expression on his face changed as he observed the surroundings around his. I followed where I assumed his eyes went and turned my attention back to him as he did the same.

"Recently, a member of your class has been rejected from the Student Council. Do you know why?" asked the elder Horikita.

"No, this is the first time I'm hearing about it."

Truth be told, I didn't even know anyone in my class applied to the Student Council.

"It was a certain student, one by the name of Ichinose Honami."

"Ichinose did? Wow, I had no idea," I said in the most unsurprised voice.

I intended to play the fool for a little bit but he didn't find me funny and moved on.

"I rejected them to protect them. Another student was also rejected for the exact same reason."

"Protect them? What do you mean by that?"

"A certain sin exist within the Student Council. That sin being my Vice President, Nagumo Miyabi."

Who? If he knew my personality during my time here up to this point, then he wouldn't be surprised I didn't know them or anyone at all.

Classroom of the Elite: Ichinose of Class-DKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat