Suddenly Cato stepped in between us. He was facing me and stared intensely. I still refused to lower my knife, she could attack any second, I saw what she was capable of in the bloodbath. "Clover c'mon tuck it away we don't have time for this" he said with a hint of annoyance. I knew he was being serious when he used the nickname in front of everyone. He did it to prove I could trust him, that we were linked before all this happened and that he would protect me. I didn't trust him, but it was enough to make me lower my knife. We had sworn to protect each other to the last moment, so district 2 surely would have a winner. He was still looking at me and I knew what he wanted. I rolled my eyes and opened my jacket. I carefully put the sharp knife where it belonged. Glimmer hid her knife away as well and I made a mental note to remember she had one she could use on us any second.

We started going through the supplies that were left. There was everything you could dream of. I found some more throwing knives, smaller and more elegant ones. Maybe I could use it to do some carving on someone's face. I made sure to also pack some dried food, a water bottle, a sleeping bag, a bottle of iodine and a pair of night vision glasses. We only had two of them, Cato and I were the keepers. They would come in handy when we were hunting the other tributes during nighttime.

I was sitting in the grass waiting for the others to finish when I noticed Glimmer picking up the metal bow. She can't be fucking serious. I jumped on my feet and walked right up to the girl. She turned to me innocently when she heard steps coming closer but jumped a few steps back when I tried to swipe the bow out of her hands. "What are you doing!?" she cries out. I roll my eyes, she really plays that role all too well, no wonder they all believe her. They didn't see what I saw. She was ruthless and vicious, something she tried so hard to downplay, to seem innocent. Maybe it was her tactic so we would all underestimate her. "You can't seriously choose the bow and think we wouldn't question it. We all saw you at the training center, you can't shoot for shit" I said madly. Was she really that naive? Her brows furrowed and I saw a change in her eyes. "What kind of weapon I chose is my choice, isn't it?" she said as she took a threatening step closer to me. I knew she couldn't stay in that role for too long. We argued for another minute until I finally stopped caring. Whatever, what do I care if she can't protect herself? It just makes my job much easier when it's finally time to kill her.

Cato made us all eat some of the food before we got ready to leave. The other tributes wouldn't have come that far yet, we could easily track them down. "Okay let's go before they're on the other side" Cato said. We all agreed and got up from the ground. The so very quiet woods soon got filled with laughter and screaming as we made our way through it. I laughed for the first time in a while. It felt amazing to finally be where I was destined to be. I had made it through the hardest and bloodiest part. My parents were probably shocked, they didn't think I would make it past the bloodbath, but I proved them wrong. I was just as good as any of the other careers, if not even better than all of them.

My thoughts got interrupted as I heard the sound of streaming water. Some of the tributes would surely camp near the water, it's either that or die of dehydration. I stopped and Marvel almost ran me down. "I hear water" I said and all their faces lit up. They had the same thought as I had. "I don't hear anything" Marina said somewhere in the back of the lead. The others agreed but I was sure I could hear it. Cato nodded to me, he trusted me to lead us to it. I took the lead and started running towards the sound.

I was right. Soon enough we got to the river and everyone seemed very pleased with my discovery. We sat down and I took the opportunity to sharpen my knives with a stone. My eyes were focused on the knife in my hand but my ears were listening for enemies. A sudden noise made me turn my head towards the water. Glimmer had stripped down to only underwear and was already halfway down into the water. I could almost see Cato physically drooling over her half-naked body. Her body was tall and slim, the curves hugged her perfectly and her blonde hair was shimmering golden in the afternoon sun. She almost looked unreal, why did they let her volunteer? After making eye contact with Cato she started wiggling her ass and giving him a grin. They all soon joined her in the water. I did not. There could be enemies everywhere, waiting for us to let our guard down. They're vulnerable in the water, slower and easy to find. I wouldn't risk it. They could all die for what I cared, but there's no way I'm going out like that.

I couldn't help but laugh at Marvel's stupid jokes, I really tried not to. Who even cares so much about comparing a hedgehog with a dog? The sun had already kissed Glimmer's cheeks pink and she showed two rows with perfect white teeth every time she laughed. She was sitting next to Cato and they "accidentaly" bumped into each other when they laughed. I felt sick to my stomach.

A loud branch snapped behind us and I quickly jumped to my feet and disappeared through the bushes. The noise of feet running away from me was the only thing I heard as I rushed through the woods after my prey. He wasn't as fast as I was and I quickly got up to speed with him. I threw myself over the boy from 12 and held my knife against his throat. "Move and I'll slit your throat right here right now" I said while laughing viscously. Finally he could pay for making me look weak in front of everyone. "Wait wait, you're looking for Katniss right? I'm your only hope of finding her. She knows the woods better than anyone, you will never find her without me" he said and I could feel him gulp against the blade. I took some time to think about it. "Okay Lover boy, but if you try anything... I will make your death very slow and painful" I said as I rasped my knife against his skin. It opened up a deep wound and he winced in pain. I grinned and pushed him towards the camp.

We reached the others and they looked at me like I was insane. "He can lead us to her" I said as I pushed him to the ground. He fell like a sack of potatoes and his face got covered in dirt. They all looked sceptical but they knew I was right. We would never be able to track her down on our own. He knew her, he knew what traps to look out for and where she would most likely be. Cato walked up to the boy and lifted him up from the ground with one hand. The boy from 12 wasn't by any mean lightweight, it only showed just how strong Cato was. "If you try anything you're dead" he says and scraps his sword across the boy's face, making yet another wound to open up. The boy looked horrible, but he would know his place. I couldn't wait to kill the girl on fire. 

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