The Training Center #2

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This chapter almost made my cry, not because it was sad or anything but because it was literal hell to write it :) This is far from over but if you'd like to read more Climmer fics I could definitely recommend ©littlebugpal's stories! Hope y'all enjoy this cuz I did not <3 

After the parade was over they led us to the apartment we would stay at until it was time for the arena. It was the biggest flat I've ever seen in my entire life. District 2 was a wealthy district, but nothing compares to the luxury of the capitol. We were greeted by Brutus and Enobaria, they were waiting for us at the already set table. It smelled delicious and I could feel my stomach rumble. "Both of you looked great up there. Good job" was all Brutus said to us. He wasn't very verbal but that just meant his feedback meant more.

We all silently started eating the fantastic food we were served. I was still mad about the thing that happened with district 12. No one dared to bring it up, only pretending it never happened. Our mentors did however tell us to make "friends" with the careers from 1. They're friends with the mentors and had been told tributes were quite promising this year. The girl was very skilled based on her score in the academy and so was the boy. I didn't want to make an alliance with them, I had to - but I didn't want to. They were already too close with each other, it was only a bigger threat to me and Cato. We could win it without that alliance anyway, Brutus himself didn't even have one. I knew it's safety in numbers, but it was also very dangerous. They could literally turn on us any second. I remember that one time a few years ago when one of the careers decided to turn on the others. It was early in the game so it wasn't expected at all. He had the night shift together with a fellow career and killed him first and then quickly moved on to the others. The guy made sure to stick his knife deep in their throats, not allowing them to make a sound to wake the others up. He died a few days later due to hydration and he did a huge favour to the other tributes by taking out the biggest threats. It was one of the few times any of the career districts didn't win. Thanks to that dipshit they made us work two times as hard in the academy.

I closed the door to my suit. My bedroom could fit in there three times. I walked over to the huge bed and plopped down on it. It felt like I was sitting on a cloud. The bed was even more comfortable than the one on the train. I fought the need to just close my eyes and drift to sleep. There was so much more I wanted to investigate about this room, like the giant window on one of the walls. I unwillingly got up from the heavenly bed and walked up to it. The window didn't look like a normal one but I could still see people walking down the streets. Weird. I walked around in the rest of the room but found nothing of interest, that is until I found some form of remote. Nothing happened when I tried to tap on it. Why would they give me a stupid remote if it doesn't even do anything? I was just about to throw it across the room when the window suddenly changed to a desert. This is single handedly the weirdest thing I've seen since we came to the capitol, even weirder than the fashion here. I didn't know how I changed the motif of the window, screen or whatever it is. I tried to tap it again, but of course nothing happened so I tried to swipe on the black glass surface instead. The window changed from a boring desert to a green and lively forest. Hums of birds were heard, almost like sound effects from the virtual forest. I recognised the sound of the birds singing, they usually sang when I did my morning laps. It felt almost like home when I closed my eyes, so I shut it down and threw away the remoter. A loud crash was heard when it hit the wall. Satisfied with myself I started to dress down and get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and got dressed in a big oversized t-shirt. It was so big it almost reached down my knees. My mind started to drift away as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I was very excited about today so I was up long before anyone else. Today will be the first time we visit the training center. I couldn't wait to feel the cold metal from the knives in my hands again. It had been more than a day since I last felt it. They had taken the knife I brought from home when they fixed me before the parade and who knows what they had done with it. I impatiently waited for the others to wake up, walking circle after circle in my room. Finally a few hours later they were all ready to go. I almost jumped with excitement.

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