The Love Triangle #2

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Thanking the lord this is the last chapter with smut. Now there's only pain and heartbreak left :D

I tip my toe in the cold river. Goosebumps start breaking out all over my body and I quickly pull the toe out of the water. It's so quiet I can hear my own heart beating. I volunteered to fill our bottles with fresh water, but the actual reason was to get some alone time away from my so-called teammates. It was all so confusing and I needed to gather my thoughts before I did something irrationally. A part of me wants to kill Glimmer. It would be so much easier and I could blame the whole kissing thing on being a part of my plan to get her to trust me. The other part of me didn't want anything but to feel the electricity travel between our lips when we crashed them together.

I angrily threw a stone in the water. It hits the surface with a "plop" and quickly sinks to the bottom. I debated on whether to follow it or not. Just sink down to the bottom and stay among the seagrass so no one could ever bother me again. I didn't know for how long I was sitting by the river. The waves had a calming effect on me and I didn't want to leave and go back to the camp. I still hadn't made up my mind on what to do. When is the perfect time to kill her? Should I kill her? Will Cato still be on my side or do I have to kill him first? The questions kept swirling in my head, causing me a headache. I curled up into a small ball like I always do when I need comfort. I hug my knees and rest my head on them while slowly rocking back and forth. I know it looks pathetic, but it's what I need right now.

I head back to the camp with the bottles. Voices fill the previously quiet day and I can't help but slow down and listen. I can hear Cato say "you know it's okay if you like her. She's my best friend after all". My blood immediately starts to boil. I can't believe he's talking to her about it. How did he even know? Did Glimmer tell him and why would she do that? I walked closer to the two people sitting on each tree stump. Glimmer gave the boy a long hug and I wondered what they had been talking about while I was gone except for this. Cato lowers his voice as he almost whispers "There's something you have to know about Clove though". I felt a rage filling my body. He had no right to tell her anything about me nor my family. I knew what he was going to say and I didn't want to let her know about it. Not just yet, if ever. I hurried up and kicked him off the little tree stump he was sitting on. "No there isn't. Mind your own business Cato" I yelled at him. I didn't dare to meet Glimmer's gaze, afraid of what Cato might have told her. No one said anything but I could feel Glimmer's eyes burning on my back as I began to start a fire.

Cato and Glimmer had hunted down a wild boar. It was already skinned and I had my guesses on who did it. We sliced the parts up in silence. Thankfully it was a lot of food but that also meant we had to find a way to keep it from getting spoiled. We decided to dry half the boar in the scorching sun while we grilled the other half to eat.

"Hi" a voice says and interrupts my thoughts. I drop the knife in my hand, afraid some part in me might use it on her. I shift my gaze to where the blonde girl is standing. Her cheeks are slightly pink and she has let her hair out in swelling locks around her shoulders. I feel myself softening, realising I couldn't hurt her even if I wanted to. "Hey" is all I can say back. She turns her head away from me like she always does when she gets embarrassed, probably thinking I can't see the redness spreading across her beautiful face. My stomach makes a weird flip and I start babbling just to make her look at me again. "Ehm, I could use some more water. Wanna come?" I ask her. Ugh, dammit she'll see right through me since I just came back with water. To my surprise she just smiles and gives me a nod. She's probably too nice to embarrass me like that.

"Clove?" I hear a voice behind me say. We hadn't talked since we left the camp and the sudden noise almost scared me. "Yeah?" I say as I turn around to face her. She looked at me slightly confused as she asked "Didn't you just fill all our bottles?". I gave her a sheepish smile as I realised she didn't think of it until now. I tried to come up with something smooth but instead it comes out creepy and alarming. "Maybe I just wanted to be alone with you for some time..". She blushes and I realise she didn't think it was creepy at all. I take a step towards her and I can visually see her gulp. She smiles at me and a million voices start screaming inside my head. "Don't do it. Kiss her. Kill her. The whole world is watching you. Who cares, you like her?". I pushed Glimmer against a tree as I connected our lips before the voices could stop me. She quickly answers the kiss by pulling me closer. The kiss soon turns to our tongues fighting the battle we never will and I grasp her golden hair. Her hands soon start to travel all over me and I can feel my whole body start tingling. She suddenly spins me around so my back hits the tree. Our lips never disconnected and her hands kept hungrily exploring my body. She suddenly breaks apart from the kiss and green eyes stare intensely in mine as she says "Stop me and I shall". A moan escapes my mouth as she strokes her fingers over the fabric of my pants. I grasp her hand to make sure she's not distracted by the coming question. "Are you sure? There's cameras everywhere" I said while holding her gaze. I knew how hard it must be by being constantly treated as a sex object. I didn't want her to think that's the only way I saw her. There was much more than that.

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