The Tracker Jackers

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I'm still on vacation but I couldn't help but write this chapter. Hope you like it and don't be afraid to leave a comment! Enjoy

We camped by the river that whole afternoon, resting and getting our energy back. The sponsors had liked the stunt I pulled before we had found Peeta. They rewarded us by sending us some dried meat which we hungrily ate as the sun started to set. It wasn't that much, they wanted me to show more. We would go for a hunting trip as the darkness fell, hiding us in its shadows. The sky was clear, meaning the night would be cold. If anyone was stupid enough to light a fire we would be there in seconds. We made sure Peeta didn't have any kind weapons on him in case he decides to attack any of us. He didn't get any water nor food either, making him depend on us for his survival. Clove was instantly watching him the whole time, always with a knife in her hand. She wasn't taking any risks. One mistake and he would drop dead before he could blink.

As expected there was an idiot lighting a fire. You must either me suicidal, desperate or a complete moron to light one when it gets dark. The orange light from the fire casted dancing shadows around the trees where the lonely girl was warming herself from the fire. We all snuck up behind her without any sound. Cato wordlessly gave me his sword and I looked at him with big green eyes. He's living for the hunger games, for the thrill to kill, but he still gave me the opportunity - his opportunity. It was much bigger than any citizen could imagine. He somehow knew what I had to do to get sponsors. He knew I chose the bow to look desirable. By giving me his sword it would look like a love gesture - making me look even more desirable, but it was really just him giving me an opportunity to be me. Finally being able to not think about the sponsors. I couldn't thank him enough. I made sure to give his hand a squeeze when I took the metal sword out of his hand. It felt natural in my hand. It wasn't too heavy and not too light, just perfect.

I quickly snuck up to the girl, the other patiently waiting a few feet away. Her scream echoed in the open night as I jabbed the sword through her chest. It came out bloody on the other side as I pushed it with all my power. She had begged me to not kill her but I needed this. I needed to show them I'm not their puppet. I am my own person and they won't ever be able to treat me like an object again. I killed on my own terms, not completely, but it still felt like a win. The others came up to me, cheering and laughing. I dropped the sword as I jumped in Cato's arms. He spun me around for a few seconds and I knew he felt my gratitude. We looked madly in love but I knew it would only gain us sponsors.

We decided to camp where the now dead girl had lit her fire. Cato had carried her body to a valley so the hovercraft could pick her up. I had gone with him in case anyone tried to sneak up and kill him. "Did you see the look on her face?" Cato laughed.  "Oh please don't kill me oh no" I laughed with him. He was kind of funny sometimes actually. "That's a good impression" he said as he bumped my shoulder. I started walking closer to him, *accidentally* bumping into him sometimes. "Are you sure we shouldn't just kill lover boy now?" I asked him after a while. "Nah, he's our best chance of finding her" he said. I knew he was right, but I didn't trust Peeta. I did however trust Cato after he had given me his sword. He knew how much it meant to me and that I could never pay him back for it. All I could do was try to get us sponsors. So I did what I had to do. I bumped into his shoulder again and laughed one of my high pitched laughs. He smiled at me with the most boyish smile I had ever seen. I almost felt bad how much I faked it with him. We stopped laughing and I looked into his deep blue eyes. He took a step closer and I suddenly felt his lips on mine. They were much harder than I thought and he kissed me almost aggressively. I tried my best to make it look real - I wrapped my arms around him and tried to match his pace. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his wide hips. I knew it looked hot and sexy, but I felt nothing. He dropped me after a while and I could see in his eyes how much he had liked it. Fuck. I gave him one of my now famous smiles and we walked back in silence.

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