[8] jobe sighting

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every once in a while, i like to treat myself... using mason's money.

i have to enjoy the time he's single and doesn't have a wife and kids to worry about to buy me nice things. sure, i make money, but it's not like i wanna spend it.

though, i decided to come alone. i'm not one for opinion on clothes. i know when something looks bad on me but when i left the store with the dress i just got, i was overcome with this sensation that i made the bad decision.

it was too late now. so the one time i need an opinion, i don't have it.

all my friends from primary school unfollowed me ages ago so i have no one but mason when i do visit. but as soon as i get back to barcelona, sarah and i will only be going back to catch up because she's literally in paris for her vacation.

i enter another store the moment i see a mannequin with the dress i've been eyeing for weeks now.

clearly i didn't think to check the price so i was a little starstruck. it's the with jean chloe corset dress with the pin stripes. i look at it for a while and because i have no self control, i have to at least try it on.

i ask up front and the really nice lady has no problem finding my size and leading me to a dressing room.

i drop my bags and get myself in the dress until i unfortunately have to ask for help with the zipper in the back. but already, i can't look away. i'm only making this harder on myself so maybe i should simply take it off. but again... i have no self control.

i open the curtain but as soon as i do, i bump into someone. "all apologies! i wasn't watching-"

"cleo?" how did i not realize?! "jobe?"



i bring him into my embrace and squeeze everything out of him.

"there's no way you're here." sometimes i can't believe it either but i can't i'm seeing him again after so long. "did no one tell you?"

"who's gonna tell me? jude?! wait have you seen him? has he seen you? how've you been since..." and he trails off because he knows better than to bring it up. but i'm caught by surprise when he asks if jude's see me.

he didn't tell them, did he?

"well, i have seen jude, numerous times. and i've been fine up until i got here and realized that i wasn't necessarily over... everything."

i guess being in barcelona kept me busy that i didn't even bat an eye at his contact, instagram, or anything that would expose me to him. "can't believe he didn't tell me." honestly, i'm not surprised. i shrug it off anyways until i see him get a look at me. "you look amazing by the way."

i smile at that, "thanks. you're now the only person to ever see me in it."

"don't tell me you're not getting it." i'm already closing the curtain and slipping it off me and back on the hanger. as i'm changing back, i can tell he's still waiting. "that's exactly what i'm saying." he looks at me with wide eyes. "i'll buy it right now if i have to just to see you in it again."

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