Subhadra was surprised she could not find him lying. His eyes shine brighter with love and admiration for her. 

"You love me?"

"Yes, Subhadra, I love you. Marry me and make me the happiest man."

Subhadra smiled brightly but soon the smile dropped from her face, "But Duryodhana is already on his way with his family. And brother Balaram is also adamant. We cannot convince them of our marriage." Subhadra said with concern.

"So is this a way of you telling me that you are ready to marry me?" Arjuna smirked at her. Subhadra looked down with a blush.

"No matter what, I will not give you up, Subhadra. You will marry only me."

Both of them smiled at each other lovingly, suddenly a sound of clearing the throat made them jump, "I never knew that great Arjuna is a scaredy cat." Krishna smiled at him.


"I know Partha."

"I know that you know Madhava. You know everything."

Krishna smiled at him and approach his sister, "Take my chariot and get out of the city."

"But Madhava, is it just to take Subhadra away? I can talk with Uncle Vasudeva and Brother Balaram. I can convince them."

"Believe me, Partha, if it was possible I wouldn't have suggested this. And who told you that you are going to take her away, Partha? It is the other way around" Krishna and Subhadra started to giggle like children.

Arjuna was surprised, "Other way around? Are you telling me that she is going to take me away?"

"Yes Prince Arjuna, I am. Do you have a problem with that? Or do you think that I am not capable of handling a chariot?" Subhadra shot her eyebrows.

Arjuna gulped down, "No, Subhadra I know your skills and capacity but..."

Krishna placed his hand on Arjuna's shoulder and said, "Partha, trust me. Let her handle the reins of the chariot till you reach the outskirts of the city. Then you can take control."

Arjuna nodded and smiled at him. Soon the sound of the conch was heard, signaling the arrival of the Kuru Clan. 

"It is time for you both to leave," Krishna said. Both Arjuna and Subhadra took his blessings and went away in the chariot.

Soon, the news of Subhadra missing was spread like a forest fire. Duryodhana and the others were mad at being embarrassed by the Yadhava clan. King Vasudeva was heartbroken and Balaram was furious and had the guts to take away the Yadhava princess. The palace guards were sent to bring her home. Few of the people of Dwarka were brought forward to King Vasudeva as a witness.

Every one of them told that Rajakumari has not been kidnapped, she took a hermit and went away in a chariot. 

The news was confusing, Subhadra ran away with a hermit.

After some chaotic hours, King Vasudeva finally announced his consent to his daughter's marriage. He announced that he is approving her marriage to anyone she want.

After receiving the news Subhadra and Arjuna who were just waiting on the outskirts of the city on Krishna's advice returned.

When she came back, her family fired questions at her for picking a hermit as her groom. 

Subhadra smiled and revealed the identity of the hermit. Everyone was shocked, including the elders of the Kuru Clan and Duryodhana. Though he need not take another wife and all of his love is only for his only wife, Banumathi. This incident added salt to his injury. 

Kunthi was in tears seeing Arjuna. But she couldn't just go in and hug him. 

Sathyabhama and Rukmini were celebrating in their hearts knowing that Subhadra getting married to the man she love. But they did not speak this out. 

The Elders of the Kuru clan did not accept this. Maharaja Dhritarashtra was angered, "How can you do this? Subhadra was engaged to my son Duryodhana. But now you are all accepting her to marry someone? Are you insulting us?"

Krishna stepped in, "Maharaja, please do not forget that 'someone' is none other than your own brother's son. In short meaning, he is your son too. Yes, we apologize for the incident that has happened. But Subhadra chooses Arjuna as her husband. How can she live Duryodhana while having Arjuna in her heart?"

Surprisingly Shakuni stepped up and spoke, "Brother, whatever Krishna said is right. Subhadra cannot live in peace with Duryodhana while having Arjuna in her heart. Let us not make her life hard. A woman's happiness is the family's happiness."

Dhritarashtra controlled his emotions and looked at Duryodhana and he nodded back. After taking a deep breath, "Maharaja Vasudeva, we are breaking the engagement between Subhadra and Duryodhana."

He then turned to Arjuna, "Son Arjuna, congratulations on your wedding with Subhadra. All your wedding gifts will reach Indraprastha directly no need for you to come there."

After the Kuru clan left the Wedding altar, Kunthi was the only one who stayed behind. 

"Mother, I apologize for not taking your concern or Brother's concern. I was in a tight spot and I just acted."

"It's okay Arjuna, though Maharaja was not happy about it. This is the right thing to do." Kunthi hugged her beloved son and kissed his forehead. She gave her blessing to Arjuna and Subhadra and left the city with the Kuru clan."

After their departure, Arjuna and Subhadra's wedding happened lavishly. 


Hi readers..!!!

    Since it been so long, my writing can be little bit off. Please endure it, if there is any mistake don't hesitate to point it out. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. 

The Great Indian Epic: MAHABHARATHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora