Bulma's Feelings, Time stretched

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There had to be a better way to go about this. Rikku had never been so nervous about an endeavor. She fought vicious battles, stared down deadly foes, and risked her life on a daily basis, but facing down her oldest and dearest friend in a battle of hearts was something she had no experience in, and in turn was scared shitless!

"I'll start," Bulma decided her arms folded and her face calm. Oh yeah, Rikku thought, she was scared beyond belief. "I know Vegeta has chosen you. It hurts my own ego to say it but there it is. I should have realized a long time ago that he would choose you, no matter what I felt for him."

"Bulma," Rikku started but stopped when Bulma held a hand up.

"No, let me get this out before I chicken out." She said on a shaky breath, fight for composure. "I love Vegeta. I've lived with him, fed him, carried his child, and have had a friendship with him. I've done everything a wife would do with her husband."

She fluttered a hand through her hair. "So naturally I assumed I was the better woman for him. We're alike in some ways, we were born in a high lifestyle and were expected to follow in certain footsteps and both grew up a little.. I guess you could call pompous way. Don't tell Yamcha I admitted it." She laughed a little. "So you could see the dilemma I had trying to accept that Vegeta would rather choose you. You with your stupid fighting, giving up your life, putting everything ahead of your happiness. Why would he choose you?"

Rikku had nothing to say she wasn't entirely sure of it herself.

"That's when I realized it." Bulma smiled. "He really does love you. Only someone who loves you could accept you for everything that you are Rikku. He accepts you for your ups, downs, goods, and faults. I couldn't compete with that. So..." Bulma sighed and rolled her shoulders back. "I give up, Rikku. I hope you two are happy together."

"Bulma," Rikku smiled and embraced her friend. "If it's all the same I thought Vegeta should have chosen you too. However, now that I'm back for good, there's no way I'm letting him go now."

"If you did I would never forgive you." Bulma laughed and gave her a thumbs up after the embrace broke. Rikku returned the gesture then both women returned to the group arm in arm as best friends once again. Rikku's eyes found Vegeta's immediately. It really hit her then, she was back, for good, and she had Vegeta all to herself. Unable to hold herself back Rikku let out a squeal of joy and flew straight at Vegeta tackling him. They rolled on the ground and nearly tumbled off the lookout before composing themselves in a rightful hug.

"I love you Vegeta! I love you I love you I love you!"

"Karat will you get off me," despite how good it felt to have his mate in his arms once again Vegeta tried to pry her away, the embarrassment on his face apparent at the large display of affection. Laughter from the group rang in his ears and soon the weight of his mate grew heavier when they were tackled on by their sons. Goten and Trunks straddled Rikku's back laughing and bouncing in celebration. Things looked bright and wonderful.

~4 years later~

Mt. Paos hadn't changed at all. It never did. The mountains stayed sturdy, the air stayed clean and fresh, and the water was always running cool, refreshing, and littered with fish! Chichi and Seventeen sat on a blanket laughing as they watched Goten and Trunks fight over who caught the bigger fish. Gohan was cuddled up to Videl discussing their plans for their summer wedding. Rika lay on her belly reading fine literature from Italy; she was becoming quite the brainiac. Vegeta and Piccolo took shelter under the shade of a tree watching the awry of it all.

Rikku walked up to the pretty scene and swayed a little from the weight of her belly. Vegeta was at her side immediately to steady her. It was sweet how attentive he had become in the late months of her pregnancy. She was expecting a girl this time, the first sister in her armada of boys.

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