Vegeta's Drastic Decision

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"Great, just great. While we've been fighting and playing around, that Buu monster has been eating up energy and hatching." Rikku closed her eyes trying to get a better sense of the power. "I can still feel Gohan and the Supreme Kai. They must have been too late to stop it."

"So what's the plan?" Vegeta said stretching his muscles. "We're both depleted, and won't be much help without some recuperation."

"I have a single sensu bean left. We'll have to share it." She looked to him and smiled. "We'll fight this beast together. From what I sense it's not as unbeatable as Supreme Kai said. I think we can take him."

"My sentiments exactly Karat. Besides, what's the thing going to do? Kill you? You're already dead."

Rikku laughed a little and rubbed a hand through her hair. The short cut still felt unnatural. "Yeah well, the only thing he can really kill is my body." Vegeta made a face and she held up her hands. "don't worry, it's just a rumor."


"Well, there's a rumor going around other world saying if you're already dead and you get killed again you'll lose your body for good. Meaning you'll become nothing but a soul and wander."

Vegeta turned his back to her his body tense and his teeth clenched. "Why didn't you mention this when we were fighting?"

"I didn't think about it, nor did you really give me a chance to." she waved it off. "Relax Vegeta. If we combine our strength I doubt I have anything to worry about." Rikku grinned and wrapped her arms around him. "I'll be fine."

"Right," Vegeta agreed, but didn't want to take the chance. He knew her, and he knew what she would do if the situation presented itself. "Karat get the bean. We'll need that energy."

Rikku pulled back and turned to unfasten the bag from her belt. "Got it." She gasped as she felt a drastic pain in her neck sending her eyes rolling back and facing the black. Vegeta stood over her body his fist trembling from hitting her.

"Sorry, Karat. This is one battle you'll have to sit out. I won't risk losing you again." Vegeta knelt down taking the last bean and eating it for himself. "I'll beat him, for both of us." He stroked her hair and stood tall. "Should your time run out before I'm done, " he smiled. "I'll see you on the other side."

Gohan couldn't believe what he was seeing. He couldn't believe that the menacing power he sensed came from that pink, baby like, bubblegum shaped... thing. Was this really the evil Majin Buu? His energy sure felt dark and powerful. It was like a black hole, dark and dangerous.

When Dabura had lashed out with insults Buu had brushed him away as if he were a fly. Babbidi screeched for joy bouncing from side to side over his victory. Despite the baby-like attitude Babbidi knew well what buttons to push to make the being do his bidding.

Now he was running for his life with Supreme Kai in tow. He wasn't totally confident in his current abilities. There would be a blood bath with his blood filling the tub if he didn't do something fast.

His mother and Vegeta, and himself as well had underestimated the monster's abilities. That was a hard truth even now as he skidded to a stop and looking up at the monster.

"Buu make you dead!" Buu shouted like a happy chant smacking him down He went spiraling hitting face first against the rock and dirt cuts covering his face and neck. The hit hurt more than the impact had. His jaw felt swollen and almost numb as if Buu had ruptured every nerve in that part of his face.

He could hear the Supreme Kai's cries of effort and managed to lift himself up to watch as Buu sent the Kai sailing into the rocks below. "It's no use. He's getting creamed." Babbidi shouted like an excited cheerleader from the sidelines egging Buu on.

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