Escape! Buu's new form!

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Cake! They had all been turned into cake. Rikku wanted to roll over laughing as she watched their opponents change from mental versions of her sons into different types of cake. Majin Buu must have been feasting.

"This is our chance. Let's get out of here!" Rikku lead the way this time, dancing through the shapes and trails that made up Buu's head. There was an inky blackness morphing and moving outside the trail and it made her think of a bubble bath of tar.

Almost an hour past before they stumbled into a cobweb obstacle course, It blocked the way into the next path. She slinked through it with Vegeta gaining a lead on her now. He made it through first then gave her a hand. "Cobwebs seem to be the only thing in here. We haven't seen hide nor hair of the boys."

"Maybe not," Vegeta said after turning a corner. "Come over here and look at this." Rikku followed Vegeta around the corner and gasped smiling.

"Hey! It's Piccolo!"

"Check him before you celebrate." Vegeta snarled impatiently as Rikku floated up and felt Piccolo's face. He didn't move, as if knocked out. His face was warm and she sighed with relief.

"Yes, he's alive, oh hey look there's more." She narrowed her eyes studying the forms and screamed for joy. "It's them! It's the boys! We did it!" Rikku rushed over touching the faces of her sons tears of relief forming in her eyes.

"Are they alive?"

"Yes, they're alive and well, considering where they are." She looked at her youngest brushing the hair on his face smiling warmly. She had to get him out of there. With her mind on one thing Rikku tugged down Goten's ball. Vegeta followed suit releasing Trunks, then Goten. Piccolo was last and soon all of them were released. Rikku felt Majin Buu's power decrease and it gave Rikku's heart a warm tug. "Much better, now it's time to get them out of these pods."

Vegeta opened his mouth to protest but Rikku was already tearing through the rubber squishy substance. There seemed to be pounds of it surrounding little Goten The tossed and ripped goo getting all over her. Only when she had little Goten safe in her arms did she stop. His body was small and warm and she cradled him close. "Oh Goten." When he didn't move Rikku patted his cheeks. "Goten wake up... come on baby."

Rikku heard a ripping sound and spotted Vegeta tearing through Trunks' pod. She smiled and laid Goten down and ripped through Gohan's, then together they tore through Piccolo. By the time they were done they were covered in muck. Goten choked and coughed in Rikku's protective arms his vision blurring. "Hmmm, wha... Mommy?" His eyes widened when he spotted not only Rikku but Vegeta as well. "Mommy! Daddy! You're both here!"

"Yes!" Rikku smiled holding her son close now. "We're here. Oh Goten I was so worried." She heard groans and coughs and looked around, Trunks was conscious next gasping when he saw Vegeta and tackling him in a hug. Blushing Vegeta hesitated before putting an arm around his son.

"Mom, what's going on?" Gohan asked shocked He looked around the familiar sight of Buu's head and shuddered.

"No time to ask, we have to get out of here before ugly decides to send in more reinforcements."

"Who are you calling ugly?" Buu snickered, a likeness of hi rising from the black inky substance she had noticed earlier. Goten jumped from her arms scowling and putting his fists up ready to fight. Rikku put her hand up glaring.

"Give it up Buu, you've lost. You can't handle all of us."

The Buu likeness snarled at her. "You fool, do you realize where you are? You're in my head, my world! You're the one whose lost!"

Rikku didn't expect the attack. The fist connected and she flew back Goten and Gohan shouting with concern. Vegeta yelled, angered and attacked Buu. He was carelessly flicked aside. Gohan's face screwed up with anger. "That's it! No body messes with me or my mother!" He fought now, and thanks to his power he managed to keep Buu occupied while Goten and Trunks checked on their parents. Rikku grumbled about a headache as she sat up. Her head hit a squishy substance and she gasped seeing another pod, but this one with the original Majin Buu. "What's this?"

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