For the universe!

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"Are they for real?" Elder Kai exclaimed looking at his ball on the safe planet Kibito Kai chose. Goten and Trunks planted themselves on either side of the log looking at it from the side while the rest gathered around it.

"Why are mom and dad play Jenkin?" Goten asked his legs kicked up watching with interest. "Couldn't they just fight together?"

"No, you dummy, you never do a two on one battle. It's not proper!" Trunks said matter-o-factly. "One on one battles are like the law."

"So when we fuse, is that sort of like cheating?"

"No, we're still one person in fusion, if we were separate than it'd be cheating."

"Oh, I get it. Oh hey! Mom won!"

"CHEATER!" Trunks shouted through the ball.

"You may have one this battle, but odds are I will still have my turn." Vegeta turned up his nose walking away. Rikku laughed a little watching him leave, then she frowned and look to kid Buu.

"Maybe not," she whispered. "I could have killed fat Buu when I fought him on Earth." She knew, without a doubt, but had hid that fact from the others. She wanted the new generation to be the heroes, because she wouldn't be around to protect the world forever. Her sons had to be ready for anything. Now with the fusion technique, and Gohan's power as high as it was now she knew they could handle what life threw at them if and when she returned to the world of the dead.

"It's just you and me now Buu." She stared at the little form. His head was down and it looked like he was staring at his shoes, but at a closer look she found he had fallen asleep watching Vegeta and her decide who would fight first. "Little rodent!" She grumbled, but found him surprisingly cute… no, no she couldn't think that.

The Earth formed in her head, and the way Buu had carelessly blown it to smitherines without so much as a shred of remorse. She glanced back at Vegeta who had taken a spot on the cliffs above them. Unlike her Vegeta, who had a conscience, and kindness in his heart, this particular enemy wouldn't change, not for anyone. "This can't go on. You've killed too many innocent people." She screamed her power shooting up higher than before.

She didn't waste any time. Rikku launched head first into battle pounding her foot into Buu's face and kicking him across the wide open field.

Across the snake trail both King Kai and West Kai stood with their pupils watching the fight with their telekinesis. None of them had ever seen a battle of this magnitude before. The punches they made sounded hard in their ears and just imagining on being on either side of one made their skulls throb and threaten to crack.

"Man, Rikku," Yamcha said with a shudder. "I've been impressed by her power before, but this takes the cake."

"She's just warming up, unfortunately so is Majin Buu. This battle has just begun."

At the palace of King Yemma, the King himself and all his crew watched with heavy hearts and words on their tongues watching the battle unfold. "Come on Rikku! My money's on you kid! Get him! Get him now!" He stomped his feet and shouted making is crew stammer around the floor.

Down in HFIL the sinners of the universe gathered for the special treat. The treat was to see the battle between the greatest evil, and the greatest good duke it out for the universe. Old rivals of Rikku snickered and laughed with joy of her ploys, but there was one in the crowd who secretly hid his malice for the pink kid. "Majin Buu…" Babbidi snickered in his dark corner. "For the death of me I hope this Saiyan freak punches the dickens out of you! Suffer as you have made me suffer! Kill him, Rikku!"

Rikku was having a hard time killing anything, for at the moment Buu had his head antennae wrapped around her neck and was swinging her round and round. She wanted to be sick, but the tight grip on her throat wouldn't allow anything to go up. He let her loose her body skidding across the ground and crashing straight into a mountain.

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