Mission Radar Impossible.

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Trunks wiped his brow from controlling his energy. He and Goten were nearly the same in power, but matching the levels exactly had become a little strenuous. He side glanced at his brother who also had a sweat going.

"That was great you two," Rikku assured with a smile on her face. "Remember how that feels. That's exactly where you want to be when you fuse." Rikku heard the door open and she turned her head to find Bulma. For some reason, she looked pissed off. "Hey Bulma, can I help you with something."

"I need to talk to you."

"Okay," she dragged her eyes to the boys who just shrugged, then to Piccolo who nodded his head. She walked over offering a smile. "What about- GAH!" She turned her head when Bulma's hand came swiping across her face. Trunks and Goten gawked and Piccolo tensed up suddenly seeing the fire around Bulma's energy. "What was that for?

"You know, exactly what that was for! I don't know where you were when Vegeta and Gohan were dying, but whatever the case it's no excuse to let your son and your... your mate die!"

Bulma's eyes tear up and she struggled to control her anger. "I'm letting you train Trunks, but only because I know you're not going to be much help anywhere else."

"Mom," Trunks began to interfere but cut off when Bulma held up a hand. Krillen jogged in feeling the tension inside and he stepped between Bulma and Rikku.

"Bulma stop, you can't disturb their training like this."

"I certainly can! He's my son! I have every right to b in here and give this coward a piece of my mind!"

"Coward?" Rikku murmured the words and lowered her head touching her cheek. It hadn't hurt, not physically, but everything Bulma was saying to her punched her like a fist right through the heart.

"You're my friend Rikku," Bulma's tone softened. "I cried about your death, but not because we're friends. It's because of Vegeta. I know him better than anyone here. I know his feelings, his thoughts, his actions, and it was hard... so hard to watch him after your death."

Rikku pushed Krillen aside and hugged Bulma tears welling in her own onyx orbs. "I know how you feel about him, Bulma. I'm sorry I've been a failure so far. I know it's not excuse that I was knocked unconscious whilst Vegeta and Gohan were dying, but you have to understand how hard it is for me. I'm dead too, but I'm never going to see Vegeta again. We're going to be separated for the rest of eternity."

She paused making sure to keep her voice a whisper from the boys. "He willingly sacrificed himself. Vegeta wanted to protect us, all of us. He loves us right back, and he wanted to make sure that he did all he could to ensure our safety."

"Rikku," Bulma's voice cracked. Rikku offered a smile.

"I'm gonna do the same. What little time I have left on Earth is going to ensure that everything that can be done is being done." Bulma nodded and hugged Rikku again before letting Krillen escort her out. Rikku wiped her eyes and straightened her shoulders before facing her son. "Okay, now let's try it without going Super Saiyan."


The voice cut through Rikku like a knife. Now what, she thought and growled under her breath. The boys became attentive on listening and Piccolo quietly closed his eyes.

"Sorry to bother you once again, but I've recently acquired some information I couldn't wait to pass along." Babbidi snickered and from the vision the boys were experiencing, he reached out as if to invite them in. "You know Trunks, I'm very eager to meet you. If I can't get you to come to me, then I'll just have to go where you live."

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