Preliminary round; Feelings resurface

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Preliminary Round, Feelings Resurface

"Hey Goten," Trunks poked his brother and looked back at Rikku. "Your mom's kinda hot. Are you sure you're related?"

"That's not funny Trunks." Goten frowned at his brother, but took a glance back at his mother anyway.

"Just speaking truthfully." Trunks looked back ahead. "She doesn't look all that tough. I bet dad could take her."

"Dad said she's the strongest woman in the universe."

"Look around Goten, just how many tough women are there?" Trunks rolled his shoulders and took the hit to the shoulder.

"You just wait Trunks, my mom's gonna kick butt in the tournament!" Goten pumped his fists. "Just like I'm gonna kick yours."

"Ha, dream on!"

"Hey Vegeta!" Rikku rushed up to meet him. "You've barely said two words to me since I got here. I was expecting a big welcome for you." She had caught up with Krillen, Chichi and their families, but now she wanted to talk to the center of her own. She had spent the past seven years thinking of her Saiyan Prince and she had hoped he had done the same.

"Just waiting for the right moment, Karat." The group walked into fighter center, the paparazzi flashing their cameras in their direction and he yanked her to her toes giving her a full blown kiss that sent her mind back into space.

She had thought with time her heart would grow weary and forget the feelings she had for this man. Being dead really put into perspective that you couldn't always be with the ones you cared most for, you could think about them, dream about them, but they weren't always within arms reach. Forget about him? No, now that she had a taste of him again, there was no way she would left go of these feelings.

"I can't believe I'm getting stuck in the junior division fighting a bunch of little kids." Trunks complained as he and Goten walked down to the tournament halls. He had kissed his mother goodbye, much to his disagreement, and shouldered his pack ready to dress and kick little kids buts until he and Goten were put into the ring together. Clearly his only challenge was his brother.

He turned his head to see his father fastening his gi into place. He wanted to put his skills to the test and show his father what he really could do. How could he do that when his only challenge was the kid he had been fighting against all his life?

He walked out side by side with his father. He spotted Goten and his mother laughing about some secret joke. When Rikku turned to face him she gave him a smile that just seemed to flow so natural. He wondered if some people were just born to be mothers. She had the job down pat. She hadn't been around for 7 years and yet she made Goten feel right and comfortable the first time meeting.

"We're ready. Sorry it took so long."

"That's okay guys. Goten and I were just having some playtime." She stood and Goten naturally fit his hand into Rikku's. she clenched it gently. "Let's go."

The prelim arena was huge, far bigger than Rikku remembered of her child hood. Fighters packed into the vicinity chatting or flexing their muscles ready to duke it out for the chance to whip themselves amongst the contenders. Rikku did, however, see a familiar face. "Rikku! Oh my goodness it is you! How have you been?" The announcer had aged and bald out but he looked overjoyed to see her. She too had a sense of familiarity and joy as she took the man's hand to shake it.

"It's great to see you."

"How long has it been. I was beginning to think I'd never see you again." He said looking to Krillen and Piccolo as well. "You guys haven't come to compete in ages." He looked her up and down. The announcer had a wisp of nostalgia at the familiar smile and powerful yet sleek physique. She looked fabulous. He'd known all along that Mr. Satan was full of himself. The moment he saw the blonde beauty fighting Cell he knew that there was no way Mr. Satan had defeated Cell. It had to be her, or one of her friends. They'd always been top of the pack and the best fighters he'd ever seen in his career.

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