Rikku vs. Vegeta

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Goten looked over to his brother as they flew in the direction of where they had sensed Gohan last. "So how tough do you think this Buu monster is?"

"I don't know, Goten. I just hope Dad and your mom has survived him."

"What! They won't?" Goten was suddenly in a panic. He head just gotten the chance to know his mother! For the first few years of his life he had never considered Chichi his mother. As a baby he had this vision of her, her soft touch, sweet smile, and a smell that always relaxed him. When his father had explained that Chichi wasn't his mother, and that his real one was in other world, he had lost all hope of ever knowing his true mother. He couldn't describe the joy he had felt seeing her for the first time in so many years and experiencing all those senses all in one hug.

"Relax Goten, I'm just saying it's a possibility." Trunks reassured. "Besides dad's pretty strong. And from what I've heard so is your mom."

"Sheissheissheis! She'll make spaghetti out of Buu! Just you watch!"

"Well then, let's go get a front row seat!" Trunks blazed ahead of his brother.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Goten hurried after him smiling. He was anxious to see his mother and father in action. He couldn't wait!

Supreme Kai stepped between the two Super Saiyans. His arms flexed out and his eyes hard. "Fine, if you're going to be like this Rikku then you'll have to get by me to do it!" Supreme Kai 's tone was sympathetic and cool. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have no choice."

Rikku stood, face serious and eyes glaring past the Kai straight to Vegeta. It was bad timing, she admitted, but it was her own fault for letting things get out of hand and not dealing with this squabble sooner. Obviously Vegeta had things to get off his chest, and there was no going around it this time.

"Neither do I."

She lifted her hand a glowing golden orb forming and aimed straight at the Supreme Kai. Gohan choked, "Mom! You can't!"

She ignored him, watching as Supreme Kai's face turned from sympathetic to scared. He thought she would back down at his threat, but she had responsibilities of her own to deal with. If he wanted her to help save the Earth, he would have to understand where her priorities lie.

Supreme Kai read her expression, the hard cold look in her eyes and the bound determination. He lowered his arms and his head ashamed of his own fear. "Fine, do what you want." He walked away and Rikku lowered her hand the blue ball disappearing. "I can't stop you."

"I'm sorry, Supreme Kai."

"Yes, so am I."

Babbidi had no problems transporting them away from people. Rikku felt a sort of déjà vu when she saw their desert surroundings. It was much of a spot that she had chosen herself when fighting Vegeta the first time. Who would have thought she would be forced to do it again?

Her eyes hadn't left his since they'd been transported. That sinister gleam that Babbidi helped put made her stomach churn. She wanted things to be put to rest between them. She wanted to go back to other world feeling she had a warm loving family safe and sound and protected.

"I take it you have no more excuses."


The crowd had dispersed after the display of violence and terror. The hundred of people Vegeta slaughtered in an instant had left people too scared to celebrate Mr. Satan's victory. The only ones who lingered were the diehard fans, and Bulma's group. "I really thought Vegeta knew better." Chichi complained trying to soothe the tension in Bulma's shoulders. "What kind of examples is he setting for his children." Suddenly she gasped and pulled away from Bulma. "Trunks... Goten, oh my gosh they wouldn't be down there would they?"

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