Smooth Talker, Baby Walker

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Hittori flashed a practiced smile in Rikku's direction. He stepped up almost toe to toe, stopping only when Vegeta's fist pushed at his chest keeping him at arms length. He backed off rubbing the sore spot. "Nice company you keep. It's been awhile. I never expected to see you here."

"I guess I couldn't stay away." She may have been talking, but her brain was buzzed. She couldn't move. "What are you doing here?"

"The thrill of watching a good fight. Are you competing or watching?"

"Both, actually."

"Cool,," He looked to the group surrounding her and let a small smirk twinge his lips. "Mind if we talk in private? There's some things I wanted to clear up with you."

"Yeah," she agreed without even thinking. "Lead the way."

"Now hold on just one minute!" Krillen interjected grabbing Rikku's arm. "You're not seriously considering this."

Rikku looked at Krillen's hand on her arm. She touched it and her eyes lightened. "I need to do this." She pried his hand away and walked with Hittori just outside the Arena. Vegeta grunted watching them leave.

"Who's the weakling?"

"His name is Hittori Walker." Krillen crunched his knuckles snarling. "I'll never forget that pretty boy face, the jerk."

"Interesting," Vegeta teased. "It seems you have some sort of beef with him."

"You should too!" Krillen shouted. "He's Gohan's father, the one that raped Rikku."

"He WHAT!"

Rikku leaned her back against the wall watching Hittori pace back and forth. "What do you want Hittori?"

"I know an "I'm sorry," is the next thing to useless, but it's all I can offer for what I did back then. I was young, randy, and stupid. I admired you from the start and watched you turn into a woman and I just had to have you. I kick myself every time I think about it."

"You're right," Rikku stated her eyes closing and her head hanging. "I'm sorry is not the thing to say in this situation." She jolted when his hand took hers and she looked up her eyes glossy and hurting. Why, after all these years, did it hurt to think about something she had been determined to forget and move past. "I had no idea what you were doing to me, or why my body reacted the way it did. I couldn't understand it. I couldn't grasp the concept. No one had ever told me."

"I knew you were innocent, and I took advantage of it. I can't expect your forgiveness, but I'd hope I'd get the chance to see you, and apologize for the nativity of my youth." He kissed her hand gently. "I've never stopped thinking about you. Every time I'm with a woman, I see your face."

"I don't know how to respond to that."

"I do," Rikku gasped as Vegeta suddenly popped out of no where looking ready to slug Hittori. "You disgusting ball of slime how dare you put your hands on my woman! Have you no pride you pathetic little whim bag?" He stomped over his hands gripping Hittori's shirt and raising him. The man struggled and flailed. "It's people like you that are the real scum in the universe!"

"Vegeta stop it!" Rikku yanked on his arm. "Put him down! I said put him down right now!"

"Why, so he can rape you again?" At her shocked expression Vegeta tossed Hittori aside making him slide on his back his back burning and his clothes ripping. Vegeta pushed Rikku against the wall. Her back straightened and she stared up at him. His hands clenched around her wrists holding her in place. "Don't you even think about considering his apology."

"It's my decision Vegeta." Even though fear shook in her eyes her voice was deathly calm. "This doesn't concern you."

"Doesn't concern me!" Vegeta's eyes lit on fire. "Like hell it doesn't concern me!" he woofed out a breath when Rikku's knee jabbed up into his stomach.

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