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A few minutes pass and the bus arrives. The doors open allowing Josh to get on first to pay for the fair and me to follow behind.

Josh picks a seat and I pick the one next to him. "So why are you helping me? I don't know if that was answered clearly."

"It's like I said back there. Seth doesn't deserve you, especially when he is not someone you want." Josh answers.

"Clearly he can't get it through his head." I chuckled. "Do you think I could call Albert now to let him know where to meet?"

"Yeah, go ahead and call your real man. He deserves to know you're safe."

I thank the blonde, and call Albert.

"Albert?" I asked once he picked up the call.

"Oh thank goodness, is this really you?! Are you real?"

"Yes, it's me Albert. I promise I'm fine." I assured him.

"Oh thank goodness. Denis, she fine! She's on the phone with me! Denis says hey!" Albert says catching his breath.

"Hi Denis. Hey Albert? Listen..we-"

"Oh god. I'm just so glad you're okay! Where are you? Denis and I are coming!"

"I'm on the bus with Josh now. We're headed t-"

"Josh? You're with another man?" Albert asked.

"No you dummy! She told you who Josh was, he helping her escape remember?" I heard Denis say.

"Oh yeah..so where you headed to? Denis and I are driving."

"Uh..Rogers Boulevard? Yes, Rogers. You should see McDonald's and a consignment shop." I told him.

"Okay we just stopped at a light please hold. I, Denis is putting it in the gps. Rogers..okay there! How far? 5 minutes from us? Okay. We'll be there alright?"

"Yeah, try to be near the bus stop if you can." I said to him.

"Ok, I'm going to help Denis navigate now. I love you okay? I'm so glad you're safe." He said.

"Okay you help that boy and I love you too." I said smiling and we hang up.

"I bet he was super relieved." Josh said joking, looking up from his phone.

"Oh yeah. I couldn't speak at the beginning." I said laughing.

"Oh no." Josh laughed. "But he knows where we're headed?"

I nodded and let out a huge sigh. "Thank goodness I'm out." I then thought what would happen to Josh. "Josh?" I called the man's name.

"Yeah?" He said.

"What's going to happen to you? Once Seth find out you helped me?"

"Oh I don't know. I don't even know if he's figured out we're gone yet."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I'm thinking of just leaving. Maybe living under a new name, a new state, a new untraceable phone. I don't want to do Seth's dirty work."

"Wow...I just hope he doesn't find you. I don't want you to get in trouble for helping me escape."

"I won't. Seth's not the brightest. He'll end up in jail, or recruiting the wrong person....then go to jail." Josh looked out the window. "Our stops here." He says.

The bus comes to a stop, and the two of us get out thanking the driver.

The bus pulls away and reveals the other side of the parking lot. I look all around for Albert and Denis, both very recognizable people.

"Hey! We're right here!"

As soon as I turned my head, I saw the man I'm meant to be with. Albert. I began crying as the two of us ran to each other.

As I got closer I could see Albert doing the same.

We finally met up and hugged each other tightly, Josh and Denis not too far behind.

We got out of the hug, Albert looked to Josh.

"Thank you for helping my girl. It means a lot to me that someone out there was willing to help her back." Albert says giving Josh a bro hug.

"Hey it was no problem. Actually, I was wondering if it would be okay that I have her number? I just want to be able to give her updates on Seth's whereabouts and if I think he's coming to get her again or not."

"I mean, sure why not? She trusts you so I should too. As long as we have a man on the inside helping us stay safe."

"Here I have a napkin and pen in my car." Denis said reaching in the car for the two items.

I wrote my number on the napkin and handed it to Josh.

"I want you to text me when you get to that airport okay? And let me know everything that's going on."

"Well I'll probably not text. He can trace those. If they have a pay phone or if I can borrow a phone from someone I'll call you as soon as I'm there. Promise." He says.

"Thank you. Should we get you an Uber? I have the app." I say launching the app.

"Yea, sure. Let me enter my card info tho."

"No. It's alright, this is on me. You've helped me so I'm helping you."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. Your Uber driver is Michael and he'll be driving a red Subaru and pick you up at the McDonald's." I said showing him the picture.

"Thank you..I really appreciate it. I will contact you at the airport." He says turning away and heading to McDonald's.

"Of course, thanks again." I say.

He sends off with one final wave, I turn to Albert.

"I'm glad your back." He smiles hugging me again, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm glad to be back." I said doing the same.

"I actually..can I ask you something important?"

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