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I was grateful for what Sam had done. He managed to book the tickets with a pet safety airline AND get us there on time without the others saying anything.

"What are you going to tell them when they ask where you've been for the past 4 hours and coming back without me?"

"What should I say?" Sam asked slipping his eye mask over his eyes.

"Well, Sam you may have to tell the truth. I just think there's too much tension between Seth and myself so I am removing myself from the situation." I responded.

"Well, I think that's a good idea. We got to be honest with them. If you don't feel happy being around Seth then it's probably not a good idea to even consider dating him." Same responded.

I tap him on the back. "Uh Sam?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You just said that to a total stranger. Who is also a man." I say. "Sorry about my friend sir."

Sam finally turns to face me after putting his eye mask up. "Well I was saying we have to be hon-"

"I know what you said, and your right. Honest is our best option. I can't stay if I'm not happy." I frowned at the blonde hair boy, knowing he was right.

"I know Albert will be happy to see you." Sam assured me, nudging my side.

"You really think so? You sure he doesn't hate me?" I asked Sam.

"No, both just needed some cool down time is all. I can assure you, Albert will welcome you back with the widest of open arms." He says, placing his eye mask over his eyes once more.


Albert, in fact, did NOT welcome me back with open arms.

Instead I got welcomed with tears, a kiss..well..multiple..and he may or may not have tried to attempt other things, which I told him I was not ready for.

Of course my dog went straight for licks as well. "It's good to have you both back." Albert smiled, placing a kiss to both of our heads.

"Just don't make me regret it Aretz."

"I swear, I really do."

I crossed my arms at the platinum haired man.

"I mean it!" He held his hands up in self defense. "If I lie, you shall let Church attack me...and not stop him."

"Oh come on Albert, you and I both know he wouldn't do that. He's attached to you." I smiled getting up off the floor then helping Albert up.

"I'm sorry by the way." I said after a few minutes.

"Why?" Albert asked.

"For you know...declining your offer of...what you called 'sweet sweet love making.' I'm sorry for declining." I frowned pulling my arms in my sleeve.

"It's alright, you don't have to be sorry. You aren't ready and it's okay. I promise no pressure." He assured me taking a bag of mine up to the room.

"Thanks. I just want to..be sure this time." I smiled.

"Is that not why you came back?" He asked placing the bag on my bed.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you coming back meant you made up your mind and that you were positive about being with me."

"Sort of. I mainly came back because of the tension with me and Seth and I can't be happy around that, let alone even consider a relationship with him....again."

"Was he like that in the past?" Albert asked sitting on the bed patting the spot next to him.

"No. Mainly because we grew up together he pretty much had claim on me first and his friends were fine with that. They had their own flings and relationships anyway." I smiled.

"Oh, so what can I do to make you POSTIVE about wanting to get back with me...for good?" Albert asking holding me.

"I have a few ideas." I smiled sneakily looking at him.

"I fear for my wallet." The platinum haired man said.

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