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Albert and I thought it best to keep the date secret from everyone else for a while. After all, we didn't want them crowding us and hounding about it.

We wanted to bring it on ourselves and we agreed not to tell anyone. We promised not to tell anyone until we were for sure this is what the both of us wanted.

Now you might be wondering, how are we gonna pull it off or what if we decided that we don't want to do this?

Well I just so happen to be great at keeping secrets, so I won't have any trouble. Albert on the other hand, is a really polite man. He cares about people's feelings and if he can see he's hurting someone's feelings or he's been told their feelings are hurt, he will tell them anything.

(K.I.M this is a fanfic anything can be OOC)

The next morning I woke up, Albert still next to me and already awake.

I turn to the silver haired man playing on his phone, "mmornin.." I sigh, head still on the pillow.

"Good morning sleepyhead, are you ready to wake up?"

"Maybe." I sighed again sitting up to be at eye level.

"Well you better get ready because we are going to have breakfast. I'll meet you downstairs in an hour okay? I'm gonna get ready in the other bathroom." He says getting up and out of the room to the spare bathroom.

I go to my bathroom and do my morning face routine. I pat my face dry and brush my teeth. Why? Morning breath, I don't want to scare Albert away.

I look in my closet for the perfect outfit. I eventually settled on velvety maroon leggings, a plain white T-shirt, and a dark green cardigan over it.

After getting dressed I brushed out my hair and put it in a small ponytail since my hair was shorter and there's nothing much to do.

I stood in my room feeling accomplished. I then stare at my vanity. Makeup? Do I? Do I have the time? I glanced at the clock. I had about half my time left so I opted for very minimal eyeshadow.

By the time I was done with everything it was time to meet downstairs so I headed down after cleaning up and grabbing my phone.

"Oooh!" Albert cooed as I walked down the stairs. "Someone looks like a hot babe!"

"Me? Little ol' me?" I asked in a voice mimicking one of Alberts I've heard before.

"Ew no, noob. Why would I be talking about you?" Albert said fake puking, which made us both laugh. "I'm just kidding! JEEZ. Don't be a Karen okay?!"

"Albert, I know your joking. Chill."

"Check it or chill?" Albert asked.

"Check it." We said simultaneously.

"Alright but let's go!" Albert said pulling me out the door, not even giving me time to grab my bag.

Don't worry, I made him go back for it.

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