Restoration in the force.

Start from the beginning

Endel: If you kill out of anger, you will fall and never rise again!

Y/N: By killing you I prevent your failures of justice ever been committed again!

Endel: Then you force my hand!

Endel activated his Green Lightsaber again and tried to rush me, I blocked all his attacked before cutting his fighting arm off, he screamed in pain as I forced pushed him into a container before plunging my saber deep within his heart, I then pulled my saber out as he tried to fight me again, but he fell over and simply died before me, I then see Aludran come into the room, recording everything.

Aludran: Whoa! Nice fight dude, could have done with some finesse, but I would have--Ack!

I cut the thug of by snapping his neck, 'Not this time you son of a bitch' his body fell to the ground as I go over and exit the room from where he came from, A bright light emitted once I entered the room, the first sight I see is HK fighting off a few Jedi with Orion, Now I remembered this, 'it was when Orion and I got attacked on out own star ship,' HK managed to kill a Jedi as did Orion, but once they faced me it seemed they viewed me as hostile.

HK: Master, it seems your apprentice has changed sides!

Orion: So you betrayed me Y/N? After all this time and effort?

Y/N: (igniting saber) I have a score to settle!

I Charged at Orion only for HK to try and get in the way, I leaped over HK and forced pushed Orion into HK, knocked the two down, Orion got up quickly and intercepted my swing right at him with his own Saber, Orion has an evil smirked as he raised up, only for me to smash my head into his and force push him back into some bridge consoles, causing the panel to explode leaving Orion face on the ground lifeless, HK got up and aimed his iconic blaster at me.

HK: Sorry Acolyte, your time has come to an end--

I cut HK off by using the force to rip his blaster from his hands and cut the blaster up, I then felt the room around me start to collapse as I dropped into another scenario, this time I was on the rooftops of Naboo versing Ventress again of all people.

Ventress: I only came to say hello dear~

Y/N: Not into older people! Bye!

I sent force lightning at ventress causing her to screech in pain, she then let out an angered scream before sending debris at me with the force, I tired to jump over the debris but Ventress sent a force push at me, sending me into the water, I tried to swim up only to notice I was then on Mon Cala again with my water suit on, 'Okay, how long is this going to keep on going for?' I thought as I see Quarrens approaching with batons and rifles, I deflected their shots easily as I deflect them back at the approaching troops, I then saw those large Jelly fished monsters from above getting ready to attack me...

Y/N: I've had it up to here with these mother kriffing Jellyfish! In this mother kriffing environment!

I sent a raged filled blast of energy at the monsters, causing a few to explode causing an series of explosions, a blast managed to hit me knocking me out for a moment, when I opened my eyes again I was on a battlefield during the days I was an apprentice with my normal uniform back on, I was helping lead a charge against a republic position and had fallen over, I see a helmeted trooper stop over me and hold out his hand.

Trooper: C'mon sir! We need to keep charging! (pulling me up) For the empire!

The trooper charged as I blinked for a second before I was back on Umbara, I see the 501st charging Umbaran positions as Krell watched in the side lines, not wasting a Second I marched over to Krell causing him to divert his attention to me.

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now