A Copilot's Birthday | 18+

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Guess what Folks! If you were horny for Ahsoka before, it's your time to be horny for Aliiza! For it will be her to bang next! And this chapter will lead to the start up of the 'Friends in need chapter'. which will also be one I plan to build more on Y/N's Mandalorian experience and life style, yes, you get more items of interest...No, he does not kill anyone important...Yet I think...

But for now, the start! As always, warning for when are where Lemons will enter and leave! Also if your not of age, go ready a different chapter! I do not condone youngsters reading such content!

First Person POV.

It had been a few days after the slavery debut, and I was going crazy, not only was I having to meet with the council again, but they were going to discuss how "Upsetting" And how "Unorthodox" I was. My ways on Zygerria had not reached the council thankfully, so no one knew of my deeds. However, when they told me to go to them without my armour, I was kind off a little off about it, Aliiza had just helped me put my armour back on it's stand as it was fully completed, the armour had been repainted to a black and white lined paint job. She had been getting excited for tomorrow, the main reason been her birthday which I hadn't talked about, but I did have plans for her to take her out for today since she wasn't planning on going home without me by her side.

Aliiza: Looks good as new now, no dust, no dirt, and no sith lord in it!

Y/N: You're only saying that as you like to see me without it on...

I gave her an sly smirk as Aliiza couldn't help but look away back to the armour.

Aliiza: (defensively) No...(Giving up) Okay, maybe I do, but so what? I like to admire the muscles of my one and only boyfriend...

Y/N: Hmm, maybe I should walk the Jedi hallways with no shirt, how many ladies do you think would try to go for me?

Aliiza didn't seem to like this as she gave me an angry look.

Aliiza: Don't even think about it, I rather pay you a million credits not to show off your chest...

Y/N: I'd pay you a million to show off yours for the day in the temple, (smirking) That would be rather funny, don't you think?

Aliiza: (rolling her eyes) You're a dirty sith L/N...but a Million credits? You could buy so many hookers with that kind of money, why waste it on me?

Y/N: Well, the thing is Hookers tend to have degraded bodies, but paying you to do it, not only would I find enjoyment in it, but I think you would too.

Aliiza: (thinking about it before shrugging) Hmm... nah, I rather only be bare chest in front of you.

Y/N: That sounds--

I was cut off by the bleeping of my com link, preventing me from finishing my dirty comment, I roll my eyes as did Aliiza but I smiled as I answered it.

Y/N: L/N here.

Obi-wan: The council has requested your presence Y/N, it's to talk about what happened  earlier this month. 

Y/N: Right, do I have to go now though?

Obi-wan: (sternly) Yes, you do, I expect you here in less than five minutes...

Y/N: Hmm... fine, I might show up...

I end the call before I could hear anything else from Obi-wan, Aliiza spoke up with a playful tone in her voice.

Aliiza: Do you remember day it is tomorrow? 

Y/N: I think so...Hmm let me think... (grabbing my chin) About around....Eighteen years ago... A certain girl was born on Ryloth, though there's thousands of girls born on Ryloth that day, so I'm not sure who she is...

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora