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Warnings: miscarriage; death; car accident

"WHAT do you mean you have somebody for me to meet?" Elexia asked, quizzically. She was currently sat in the passenger seat of her car, Rosalie in the driver's seat, Emmett in the back with Gaia in her carseat. Her girlfriend had told her early that morning that there was someone important that it was time she met. Of course, Elexia trusted Rosalie, but she could not be more confused.

"She's really important to us," Rosalie said, beating around the bush. She looked over at her girlfriend, who was giving her a no-bullshit look. "I'm not sure how to say this to you without you freaking out right now. I just think its important that you have a bigger support system here, besides me and Emmett, now that our family left. Another person couldn't hurt."

"What the hell do you mean?" Elexia asked, getting louder and more desperate. "Now I really am going to freak out. Who is important?"

"Wait, is Ame coming home?!" Emmett excitedly yelled, seemingly figuring it out.

"What is going on? Who the hell is Ame?" Elexia questioned again.

"Yes, Emmett." Rosalie nodded, confirming her best friend's assumption. "Elexia, you've never heard of her because we were sworn to complete secrecy by our sister. Her name's Amethyst, and she really wants to meet you. You can't be mad. Amethyst loves surprises. It's kind of her thing."

"I need more context, Rose." Elexia sighed. "Who is she? Where did she come from? Why isn't she with you?"

"She is our sister. The first vampire Carlisle turned." Rosalie spoke, reluctantly glancing over at her girlfriend, who had just been thrown for a loop.

"Ame's always been on the more adventurous side." Emmett grinned. "Every few years or so, she likes to break away from the rest of us and try something new; try someplace different from us. For the past two years, she's been living in Milan. She's literally the coolest person I know, you'll love her."

"Ame took all of us in when we were first turned," Rosalie further explained. "She was the perfect nurturing big sister that all of us needed at the times that we were new. She's kind of a mix of all of our personalities, but also unique in her own way. She can be a bit over the top, which might be overwhelming at first. She's really into fashion, which is where Alice learned it from in a way. Ame's more big on makeup than clothes, though. She's always dressed like she's going to a huge event. She acquired her taste from being around for so long. She's been through a lot, but it never turned her into a bad person." the blonde smiled.

"One time, when she was in a full ball gown and heels, she killed a grizzly bear. Funniest day of my life. Didn't even flinch, but when she noticed she broke a nail, she got all upset." Emmett chuckled.

Elexia was a bit shocked, to say the least. She was still unable to speak. She had never even gotten a hint that there was another Cullen. She had so many thoughts scrambled in her brain, it was hard for her to even begin to try and think one coherent thought. How had they kept it such a good secret for this long?

"Amethyst's power is compulsion." Rosalie said, as if she could tell what Elexia was thinking. "She doesn't use it on any of us but Emmett, since he cannot keep a secret to save his life. However, this time she did, so that everything would be perfect. I can't tell you why she's like this, but she is. You'll get used to it. We literally couldn't tell you, even though I wanted to. I only just got a call from her this morning that it was okay to tell you. She really wanted it to be special when she finally met you, Lex,"

"We're here," Rosalie spoke again, sending Elexia into panic mode.

Elexia's heart rate picked up quickly, and she knew her girlfriend and best friend could hear it. Rosalie reached over and rubbed her hand comfortingly. They were parked outside of a little clearing in the woods. It looked like it wasn't far from the baseball clearing. Perhaps, it was even the same one. "What do I do? What if she doesn't like me? Does she like babies? Oh my god. I can't believe you idiots sprung this on me!"

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