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ELEXIA was exhausted when she woke up. Despite the deep sleep she had, it wasn't very good. She felt restless the whole night and woke up a couple of times. She didn't feel like going to school, knowing Edward was going to be a grump and Bella was going to be upset. At least she'd have Alice.

Once she was dressed– her outfit choice for this day was a white tank top, black and white sweatpants, and a white zip-up sweatshirt– she made her way downstairs to make coffee, which Rosalie hadn't brought her that morning. In a normal situation, she would've assumed Rosalie had abandoned her, but since Gaia wasn't in her bassinet, she knew the vampire was downstairs with the baby.

"Hey," Elexia greeted when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Rosalie was sitting on the couch, drying Gaia with a towel. On the kitchen counter was Elexia's coffee and a breakfast burrito. "What happened?"

"Well, I arrived at five-thirty to feed her, like I always do, but she made a bit of a mess so I came down here to bathe her. I'm sorry for not bringing you your coffee. You had a long day yesterday and I thought it would be fine if you slept in for one day." Rosalie explained.

"It's okay, Rose." Elexia smiled, grabbing her coffee and burrito and walking into the living room area. She put her breakfast down and sat next to Rosalie, kissing both her and Gaia.

"Emmett will be here to drive you in a few." Rosalie told her.

Elexia nodded. "What about Alice?"

Rosalie tensed up, and then sighed. "Alice and Jasper are getting ready to go on a trip to Denali for a while."

"Shit," Elexia murmured. "He's having a really hard time, huh?"

Rosalie only nodded and picked up a pacifier to give to the baby.

Elexia began eating her burrito and drinking her coffee, quickly. "So, I'm going to have to suffer at school with Romeo and Juliet, who I imagine are having extreme trouble in paradise?"

"Unfortunately." Rosalie chuckled a bit. "You could stay home, you know."

"No, it's okay." Elexia shook her head. "You seem distant, are you okay?"

The blonde vampire nodded. "Yes. I'm fine. Just sucks, what happened with Jasper."

"I get it."

"Em's here," Rosalie announced, looking away from Elexia and to the front door. Soon enough, Emmett honked a few times to alert the human of his presence. 

Elexia snickered and finished her coffee, and took a few more bites of the burrito that she couldn't finish.

Her drive with Emmett was quiet; he was distant, too. He never forgot a treat for Elexia, though. This time, it was chocolate chip cookies – which were quite amazing, Elexia thought.

The blue-eyed girl saw Bella and Edward in the parking lot, but decided it would be best to avoid them. Edward was already very tense, and Bella was stressed.

As she walked to the entrance of the school, she couldn't help but to miss Alice and her talkative nature. She wondered how Jasper was, as well. It was weird, not having the fairy-like vampire at her side, holding her arm.

The morning was boring for Elexia. In each of her classes that she had with Alice, she kept looking over at her side in instinct, only to see an empty chair, missing a particular vampire.

The blonde decided not to eat in the cafeteria, and opted to eat in the guidance counselor's office. It was something she'd done a handful of times when she was pregnant, so the guidance counselor, Mr. Saltzman was okay with it. Elexia quite liked the man; he was always kind to her and understood that she had hard days sometimes.

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