adventure in the elements

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it was another day at the owl house and luz was reading azura to king when the door burst open

"guess what day it is!" eda says walking inside

"is it your birthday?"

"is it my birthday?"

"nope even better! its human trash day!" she says opening the portal as owlbert flys in with a giant sac of trash

"that sounds great eda but i have to go get my azura book back from amity isa you could come to maybe emira will be there"

"normally i would be disappointed that your missing human junk day but if my daughter can go see her crush then I'm all for it go have fun!"

"luz mom its not a crush were just friends" i say trying to deny the truth even if my face was red

"ok fine you can stay but it would be such a shame if emira was there and you couldn't talk to he"r luz says as she slowly walks out the door and i follow trying to not to make it obvious how badly i wanted to go if it meant seeing emira again I've been in touch with her but its just been texting it would be nice to see her in person again

I"'m only going with you because amity is my friend too and we can get there faster with my staff" i say summoning it

"whatever makes you feel better isa your sister knows you too well now lets go" luz says getting on my staff we fly for a bit before we reach the market where we spot amity looking around

"hi amity!" luz says running towards her

"oh hi isa hi luz thank you again for lending me your azura book i enjoyed it very much" amity says handing luz her book

"i can see that your a good artist amity!" luz says pulling out a drawing from the book amity blushes with embarrassment before disintegrating the paper

"hi luz hi isa!" edric and emira said suddenly out of nowhere causing us to both to fall over surprised

"hi edric hi emira didn't expect you two here" i say getting up trying to avoid looking at emira

"edric emira please don't do that to them I'm sorry they have been spending a lot more time with me as an apology for the library incident"

"were just trying to do our best to make things right with our baby sister that's all" emira says hugging amity

"aww that's sweet hey amity maybe we could start an azura book club when school starts!" luz said

"wait what do you mean?"

"surprise! isa and i are attending hexside next semester! maybe we'll be in the same class!

"oh well that's great to hear but in order to be in the class the twins and i are in you need to take a placement exam or else you will be in the baby class the exam is basically you showing you know at least two spells i know isadora has many spells but what about you? i know you have your strange light spell do you know anything else?"

"oh uh yeah i know a lot of spells don't worry i can definitely pass that exam," luz says i know shes lying and trying to make herself not seem as weak or inferior compared to us which only means that mom or i have to teach her a new spell

"oh really? that's awsome would you want to come train with us? mittens wants to practice some new spells" emira offers luz started looking more nervous and that's my cue to get her out of here ASAP

"actually uh our mentor has already promised to take us for training today sorry emira if it were up to me i would go train with you without a second thought your so amazing and I'm sure you just as good with magic as you are being pretty as i realized what i said i covered my mouth with my tail as my face heated up

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