i was a teenage abomination

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"now this is beautiful Eda" said smiling

i was confused on what she meant as we were looking at what seems to be a giant dead slug

"um eda what about this is beautiful?" i ask nervously

"you see kid when your a powerful witch like me you know how to use anything you come across this is one of those moments there is so many useful things you can find here to sell" eda explains walking over to the dead slug

i slowly walked over to eda and started to help her collect the trash from the carcass

"hey eda maybe we should i don't know try to look at scrolls or read magic books instead of this" luz suggested clearly uncomfortable from the slug

"what your talking about sounds like magic school and magic school sucks they teach you magic the "proper" way and only let you learn one kind but that's not how magic is its wild your supposed to learn as much of it as you want so no magic schools" eda explains as she digs through more trash  

"wait they only let you chose one?" i ask

"yup and if you do more than one your made an outlaw a "wild witch" as they say but its all dumb its much better to learn from me" eda says

"well I'm glad I'm learning from you then" I say searching through the trash seeing if i could salvage

"thanks kid have you found anything sellable yet?" eda asks

"uh not really most of this is just broken things and dead plants well except from this moss ball" i say picking up a small green plant from a small pile

"nice job that could be something good keep looking. luz join us who knows what you'll find" 

"I'm going to sit this one out maybe next time I'm just going to head back to the owl house" luz says walking off

"oh well more for us then" eda says before continuing to search  we continued for about another 20 minutes before i stopped i wanted to go check on luz and I've found plenty of stuff that could please eda enough to let me go i show her the items to which she was impressed

"wow now this could potentially sell for a lot nice going isadora your free to go for now i hope luz changes her mind this could really help her" eda says

"it could?" i ask curiously 

"yeah if she cant do magic the next best thing is to find objects that have there own special effects the isle is full of them that's the best way i thought of to help her attempt to learn any kind of magic" eda explains 

"that's interesting ill try to mention that to her when i see her" i say before walking off in the same direction as luz i keep walking until i hear voices one i recognize to be luz and the other is someone i didn't know i jump out spell circle in my hand thinking luz is in danger when i see another which about luzs age talking with her and luz covered on abomination 

"luz who is this? i ask putting the spell circle away 

"isa look who i met this is willow and she goes to the magic school nearby! and shes really good at plant magic!"

"its nice to meet you willow. also luz can you explain why your covered in abomination goo" i say waving to the witch 

"oh that's because willow needs an abomination for her school project so ill be her abomination" luz explains 

"but i thought you said she was good with plant magic remember what eda said that the schools only allow you to learn one kind of magic" 

"your right but i was put in the abomination track instead of the plant track I'm not good with abominations at all" willow explained 

A lunar ClawthorneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora