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A/N: its an unedited Version so if you find mistakes please try to ignore them. I will try to edit it once its complete. Thank you❤️

"Your highness" An annoying yet familiar voice called from beside me and I groaned.

"Please princess wake up!" The voice pleaded and it took all of me to not lash on that annoying person who is disturbing my peaceful slumber.

"It's King's order!" That made me open my eyes and my brow furrowed as I glared at the culprit. Agatha one of my maid stood on the right side of my queen sized bed. I looked around the room to see few other servants. They all gazing down on the floor, then my gaze fell back upon Agatha who looked apprehensive as she fiddled with her nimble fingers.

"What is it?" I grumbled as I threw the blankets off of me and placed my foot down. Another servant, Rory placed my slippers beneath my feet. I barely gave her a look as she stood and backed off. My gaze fell on Agatha.

"The warriors are coming back from the war, and your Highness wants all the royal family members to welcome them. They are almost here!" She didn't met my eyes as I scoffed and roll my eyes. I like Agatha but sometimes I feel like strangling her throat.

"Your bath is ready, if you must..." I didn't let her complete as I raised up my hand. I stood up tightening my robe as I made my way towards the bath tub which was all ready.

Few servants followed me, as one worked on my robe and the other checked the temperature of water. I sat in the bath tub as two of them start helping me with the bath, one working on my hair.

After half an hour of long bath, the servants helped me in my dress which was tea pink in colour accentuating my forest green eyes and brunette hairs. One of the servant combed my hair and stylef it with the tea pink ribbon.

After wearing my shoes, I walked out of my room. I walked all the way to the front of the castle where everyone already present waiting for me.

My father glance my way, a little disappointed at me for coming late but didn't said anything but my mother the Queen on the other hand didn't hide her disappointment and I know she would have my head for it after this. I embrace myself for an hour long scolding.

"Your Majesty!" I curtsied as I greeted my father, King Eric.

"Your Highness!" I greeted my mother who had stopped glaring daggers at me. I shuddered lightly at her hard gaze, this women always seem to put my nerves in a disarray.

"Why you always wish to test my patience, princess Leonora!" She gritted out only for my ears but my father also heard.

"Queen Elizabeth, now is not the time!" He said in stern voice and the Queen glared at me for the last time before looking ahead where we could hear sounds of horses hoofs. They are here!

I glance once at my father with thankfulness for protecting me from the wrath of the Queen, he smiled gently and then he too looked forward at the incoming warriors.

I inched few steps back, as the king and Queen are the one meant to be in front. I being their only heir stood behind them. But from here I can see everything, my gaze fell on the warriors treading through the stony path on their horses towards us. I so wanted to groan and ran away from here in the confine of my room but thought otherwise. I don't have the energy to face Queen's wrath.

My gaze fell on some familiar faces, one particular catching my attention. There comes a man on his black horse in the front, their leader. The head of the warriors, the role passed down to him after his father who was killed during one of the fights. The man adorned in armour, his face marred with few scars indication of what he went through all these years. His gaze hard, his shoulders squared, his mouth in a straight line as he treaded towards us on his horse in all his glory.

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