Happy Sixteenth Birthday

Start from the beginning

Kabuto left to go take care of a few intruders, leaving Tobi and me behind.

"Tobster, take me to Sasuke. He told me to talk to him before I left. And i'd like to tell Zetsu goodbye." I said softly. Tobi stood there, thinking for a few moments.

"Fine. But make it quick Senpai." Tobi said using his justu to take us to Sasuke's room where Zetsu stood.

"Sasuke, I believe you asked to see me before I go." I spoke emotionlessly. Sasuke faced me, a small smirk stretched across his face.

He stood up from where he sat boredly, and calmly approached me. The same Uchiha smirk on his pale, Uchiha face. He walked up to me, softly grabbing my hands that had on the same black gloves over my silver stitches, the same black gloves with the black metal knuckles with matching black ninja sneakers with the black metal toe and heel.

"Be careful for me, okay Minny? Don't do anything stupid. Think." he chuckled, tapping my head with his cold finger. I nodded.

"I.. I care about you." He whispered, going a little serious and deflated. Awwh.

I nodded.

"I know.. I care about you too." I whispered, the words were dry but somehow getting them out made me feel like I drank a full glass of water, it felt good. It was the feelings of being scared and hurt again that made me so paranoid to say them.

He nodded softly, quickly pulling me into a big, loveable hug and quickly pecking my forehead.

"Go get em' Kitten." he teased, letting me go as I hugged Zetsu goodbye. Tobi and I just barely reached the door when Sasuke and Zetsu walked back up to me. Zetsu hugged me softly, gently patting my shoulder. "Happy birthday, Minati. I feel like it's been forever, and I am honored to be your family member, work with you, teach you, and learn from you. I... I love you." Zetsu whispered, hugging me tightly and slowly letting go. I stared at him, watery eyed. Things were silent, very silent. I flung myself onto Zetsu, giving him the biggest hug ever and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you Zetsu. Thank you, so, so much. I love you too." I said sweetly. I slowly climbed off, watching him blush a bit.


Sasuke smiled softly, wrapping his arms around my waist again.

"Happy sixteenth birthday Kitten." He said softly, holding out his hand, showing a necklace. I slowly grabbed the silver necklace with the cat paw on it, on the back it said "Happy Birthday. I love you forever. -Sasuke" engraved in black cursive. I stared at it in awe.

He got this.. For me?

"Sasuke.. Thank you." I whispered, staring at it's beauty.

The necklace was honestly gorgeous. Sasuke blushed slightly, his face hard.

"Yea.. Well.. I got it for you. Happy birthday." He said softly, kissing my forehead again, but much more kind and loving.

"Now go get em'. " He smiled softly, letting me go. I smiled faintly and nodded, walking out with Tobi, following him. On the way out, we heard explosions.

"Seems as though Deidara and Sasori found some intruders." I spoke softly and boredly. Tobi just chuckled and nodded.

"Seems as though Kabuto is waiting for us now." I spoke feelings his chakra sit down. Tobi nodded, disappearing by the black swirls that slowly erased him into his eye, that then disappeared. I disappeared leaving behind the same black and purple sparklyish smoke.

I appeared by Tobi's side up on the hill not to far away from hideout, where Kabuto at with Anko behind him, dying slowly with his white snake coiled around her.

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