Never Falled Apart

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Never Falled Apart

Marshall lee x Prince Bubblegum

I woke up surprisingly early the day after. Well, it was nine o'clock but trust me, it was exhausting even then. I turned around and got meet by my boyfriend grey skin and closed eyes. He was absolutly adorable. After laying beside the sleeping vampire for some minutes I decided to quietly get up. So, trying to be as quietly as possible I carefully got up from bed and dressed in a pink t-shirt and my boyfriend shorts.

I leaved a note telling I'll be back soon in case he woke up and quietly left he's house, he's cat taking the opportunity to slink out when I opened the door. I walked across the grass to the place I had found him yesterday. It was sunny outside and the threes were each waving in the wind, there leaf falling like snow and softly took there place on the ground.

I walked on the grass, over the leaf while I saw the cat running away in the opposite direction.

It was the last time I saw he's cat.

I walked and sat on the edge of earth, feeling the wind. I was so happy to have Marshall, in the beginning, I never thought we would work. A vampire king and a candy prince, it didn't sound possible, but it was.

I couldn't un-love Marshall lee, and I didn't want to.

Hey guys I have news for you! A part two is ongoing! 'Red is the New Black'

(Writers note: This is the last chapter in this fanfiction. I hope you liked it. The last sentence is quoted from; The Fault in our Stars by John Green. This have around 2400 reads now and I actually have ten followers! Who could imaged ! See ya in the next one!)

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