Don't say Goodnight

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Don't say Goodnight

Marshall lee x Prince Bubblegum


Marshall waked up extremely late for being a vampire a Monday morning. The clock was about eleven in the morning and he could see a piece of the sun, light and the bright weather. Uhg. Marshall sat on in his bed and suddenly had a large headache. "Oh fuck" he said as he rested his back against the wall, he couldn't remember a thing about what happened yesterday night. How was it? Did he do good? Did he screw up? Did he embarrass himself in front of his dear Gumball? He stood up and he felt like every step he took the world was about to break into pieces. Like someone smashed his head with a hammer. Lucky you can fly. He floated just some decimeters over the ground and got to take his black umbrella when he noticed he hadn't  returned Fiona's blue one yet. He took it with him if he know flied over there on his way home. But for now he needed to check with Gumball.

He got out in the bright sun and grimaced his face for the hot and warm sun. When he was floating to the candy kingdom he saw that the people was avoiding him more then usual. It wasn't Halloween anymore, what were they all so scared of? He continued until he reached the castle and knocked on the door. The peppermint maid opened "Hello, can I help you with something?" She formally asked before she looked up and saw the vampire. "Yeah-I mean, uh, yes. I like to speak with prince bubblegum" "Uh. Well, I shall check" The maid said nervously as she hurried away. Marshall didn't understand, why were everyone so scared for him? He knew he was a demon-vampire but this is ridiculous! Gumball talked some seconds with the maid before he walked against the door. When he nearly was there Marshall said "Hey, Gumball? Can we talk?" The candy prince expression quickly turned to anger and he shut the door , near to literary, in Marshalls face. Marshall got highly surprised and needed to proceed what happened for a while. "Hey, your highness. What did I do?" He heard Gumballs angry voice from inside the castle. "WHAT YOU DID?!?? DON'T PLAY DUMB MARSHALL LEE, GET YOUR STUPID ASS AWAY FROM HERE." Marshall got down on his knees, trying to understand. "But, Gumball please. I don-" "I DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU BEG MARSHALL. I LITTERLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK. NOW GET AWAY FROM HERE YOUR STUPID MONSTER. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN" Marshall whispered softly "you don't know how long a forever is..." "I SAID G-" "I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID GUMBALL. I heard it.. But you know nothing about how long a never is. You don't know how hard it is to be 1003 years old vampire that no one likes." A minute of silent was hear and Marshall got a small piece of hope that maybe he had got Gumball to listen to him. "NO YOU'RE RIGHT. I have no experience to being a scary monster 'cause I never tried to. I never tried to suck peoples blood or scary children. THAT'S FUCKING WHY PEOPLE DON'T HATE ME" He said, and then he's steps started to fade.

Now Marshall started to be confused, angry and sad all at once. He took his umbrella down and laid it in front of the door. He felt the sun burned for a second before he opened the blue one and got it over he's head. Starting to float again and then taking his way to Fiona's and Cake's house. He knocked it softly and tried to let out a nice "Hey Fiona, you in there?" as he smiled weakly. He heard footsteps and started to feel happy. The door opened and in the next second he felt a strait pain in his head. "Aw, my cheek meat!" He said as he laid on the ground. Fiona had punched him hard in the face and had after shut the door again. "I was just trying to return your umbrella, what the fuck!" he said just so it was supposed for her to hear. "I couldn't care less about your stupid umbrella Marshall" He heard her scream back from the window higher up. He was just supposed to give up his try on getting information from the girl when he suddenly realized, the window, exactly what he needed. He flew up to the window and opened the window, gently and quietly as he got inside the room.

Fiona noticed him in a amount of seconds and gave him a angry glare. "Please Fiona, I need help" "What?" she said pitchy, not taking her eyes of him. "I don't remember what I did wrong, what happened, anything, why is everyone avoiding me?" When he felt Fiona leaning back bit he quickly took a step back, he couldn't screw this up. "You got drunk Marshall. And you tried to rape me. That's what happened" She said with a low voice. Marshall looked at her shocked with mixed feelings in his eyes. Then she quickly looked back and hissed a "Get out now" Not as mean as the other times but still bloody serious so Marshall quickly floated out away from the house again. He got down and left the umbrella against the three house, felt the sun burn on his skin. He was sad and worried and a sort of mad. Why had he done that? Why did he get on Fiona? And, how did he get drunk? It was hundreds of years ago since last time. Okay, well maybe not THAT long ago but a while. Why, why, why ,why. He had so many questions and he couldn't answer them and it drew him crazy.

He didn't knew who to ask, who to talk to, right now it just could be enough to find someone that didn't run away from him. By now the sun was getting really warm on him so he hurried inside he's house and closed the door. It was dark, black and dark, cold and empty, lonely and sad, hateful and unpleasing. For the first time in his life, he hated the dark.

((WRITERS NOTE- Do u guys want another smut chapter? Comment if you wish so and I'll be grateful. And wow!! 600 reads!! Thank you, im so greatful :D))

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