I Kill you Twice

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I Kill you Twice

Marshall Lee x Prince Bubblegum


It had past some months sense Gumball had fall high over heels for the vampire king. Marshall set in his hive playing on his guitar when suddenly it knocked on the door. "Who is it?" he said, clearly annoyed by getting disturb in the middle of his practice. "Gumball" A voice was heard outside. Marshall quickly got away his quitar. "Eh, a sec" He quickly flied around cleaning the best he could, leaning things in place and make it look, well, less awful. Just in some days it was Marshalls favorite celebration on the year and he looked clearly forward to it. Get to scare kids without Gumball could get angry and decorate his house. He was soon done, or well it was still messy but he couldn't let Gumball wait any longer.

He quickly got and opened the door. "Sup'" he said acting cool but when he was about to lean against the wardrobe he realized a bit too late that it was one of the things he had moved when he cleaned. It ended up that Marshall didn't have time to think of floating and got face first in the ground. The candy prince couldn't help but brushed out laughing. "hah, god Marshall, well done with the welcome" He said to piss the vampire of a bit as he stood beside him. Marshall just hissed and gave a 'fuck off' glaze to his boyfriend.

Gumball let out a hand to Marshall, the vampire took it and Gumball said with a teasy grin "There you go big boy" and Marshall hissed again. "Hey I got some things for you" Gumball let out a bag to Marshall. He looked suspicious at the pink boy first but then he took it. Inside it was: Apples, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Raspberries, jam, some meat, etc. Marshall got up a bright smile "Yey!! Thanks Bubble-but!!" He looked at Gumball that first looked happy but then got a 'seriously?' glaze when he heard Bubble-butt. "C'mon you know I'm just joking" "Sure, sure" Gumball said grumpy. Then Marshall floated over him and kissed his cheek. "C'mon, let's take a walk" "B-but Marshall it sun outside" The prince turned around to the vampire with a worried look. Marshall stood with his back to Gumball but then quickly turned around. "This Gumball, is a new invention" He picked up a black umbrella. He did dramatically sounds and gestures as he showed the umbrella from different sides and showed with needles and  comments and details how you open it. "It's SO simply to open and it can cover you from both rain AND sun. Who could imagine" Gumball first looked annoyed but then couldn't help but laugh.

"I love you you dumbass" he said, giggling at Marshall that now played model for the highly unusual and new object. "Let's hope so" Marshall said with a smile and winked. Gumball smiled back and then Marshall got up is umbrella and they walked outside to the shining sun and the land of Aaa. "Oh Marshall, I got a thing for you" Gumball pulled out a card from his pocket and gave it to Marshall. The vampire looked highly surprised but took it. He opened it and it stood with Gumballs handwriting.

Hello Marshall!

I was thinking about having a prom (call it Halloween party if that sounds cooler) and I was wondering if you wanted to come. Its seven o'clock on the evening Sunday and of course in the Bubble gum castle!

Looking forward to see you!

Kisses from ur Bubble gum.

Marshall look even more surprise. "Can I come?"  he looked at me to make sure. "Yeah, it stands ur name doesn't it?" I pointed at his name that I had wrote on the card. "Sure?" "Yeah ,yeah its sure. I'm serious, what's so big doubt about?" Marshall looked really happy at me, dropt his umbrella, threw himself over me so we fell to the ground and hugged me really tight. "Thank you so much!" he said smile bright at me. "But M-Marshall, the sun! You will get burned!!" I said worried and yes, his arms already started to get marks. He just laid down on my chest "Happiness can't get sun burned" He simply said with a happy tone. I still was worried so I reached out for the umbrella and took it over us. He's hell of a stupid vampire king.

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