But in My Heart

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But in my Heart

Marshall lee x Prince Bubblegum


( Writers note: Listen to Flesh by Simon Curtis while reading this, it gets better then c: Its just 3 chapters to go so this can be the last smut chapter. If you liked it, leave a vote o comment if you have any requests of BL parings, enjoy your yaoi fanfic! )

Marshall looked surprised up at the pink haired boy that he went without for so long, now pulling his hands stuck to the ground on each side of his head. Marshall couldn't read if the prince was sad, angry, disappointed in himself or clearly annoyed at him and he wasn't sure if the prince knew himself witch he had either. "Uh, Gumball.." was the only thing Marshall could get out 'Fuck. You haven't seen him in three weeks and that was the best thing you could say? Smooth, really' he thought to himself as he tried to get his pulse down but it was hopeless, he tried to breath calm but it wasn't just enough with that he hadn't seen he's-the prince in a long while Gumball was also having his knee up at the vampires crouch.

Anyway, the candy boy didn't replied Marshall, he just stared seriously into his eyes. "Hey Gumball I-" He tried to move himself up a bit but the prince had him stuck. "No excuses" the prince replied and Marshall shut his mouth. He had already screwed up once and the least he could do what letting Gumball has his way with him. The pink guyed bend down to his neck and to the vampires surprised he felt rough kisses against the grey skin, the prince hold on Marshalls wrist also got more strength. The vampire directly felt his pants tighten and his face heat up. He let out a soft moan and Gumball smirked while he continue kissing and biting on the vampires neck, he didn't know if he was happy to get Marshall back or mad at him but one thing was sure, he wanted to her the king moan loud tonight.

Gumball took his hand low down on the vampires body and let it rest on his zipper, he couldn't clearly feel the boner in his pants. By now he kept both of Marshalls hands stuck with one hand. He knew it wouldn't hold for long because the simple reason, Marshall was a lot stronger then him. 'It would surprise me if Marshall didn't had something that could help me at his place' the prince thought with a grin on his face before he climbed of the vampire. Marshall let out a frustrated sound at Gumball as he softly opened his eyes. Gumball dragged him up from the ground and grabbed Marshalls wrist. He put on a serious and a bit annoyed expression, it was fun to see Marshall this unsure and he would try to keep it that way as long as he could. The prince knew where the vampires house where and in just some minutes they were at his house.

Gumball got quickly inside and pushed Marshall roughly against the wall, pressing their lips together and make their mouths connect. He wanted to please the vampire in the best way he could tonight. He felt something scratch his legs and look down to meet a pair of bright yellow eyes. The cat scratch his leg in frustration and meowed at he's owner. 'He must have thought I was going to hurt Marshall' the Prince thought. Even though in normal he would have lift away the cat or calm it down but today wasn't normal and he wanted to focus he's whole self on Marshall.

The prince could now clearly feel Marshalls boner against he's right leg and pushed it against the vampire. Earning a whimper from the king. He looked around to see if he's eyes could catch a spot where Marshall could hide some useful stuff. I mean, you just randomly go around with handcuffs in your bag back if you don't have an interest in using them, right? But Marshall could have hide them pretty much everywhere, if you can fly and have secrets spots in the woods, what stops you. Gumballs focus started to fade away from the vampire and looking for a hopefully existing box somewhere. The Vampire felt the lost of friction and started to move he's hips against the pink boys leg. It got back Gumballs attention to the frustrated vampire, it was fun teasing him, and this was just the beginning. "Gumball" Marshall let out, still frustrated and with closed eyes, moving he's hips more. "Where do you--?" Gumball asked, looking at the vampire with a pink blushing face. Marshall pecked with one eye "Wha-Oh" he realized what he meant when he saw the prince blushing face. "At the boxes under my bed .." The vampire blushed a lighter shade of red. The prince walked to the bed and got down on all four to reach better. "And how could -a bit more to the right- you know that I owned -still more to the right- these kind of stuff?" "I took a wild guess vampire" The prince said. "Now please shut that beautiful mouth of yours before I need to do it for you"

The Vampire nodding without realizing that the prince obviously couldn't see it at the moment. Gumball reached with his hand longer under the bed and finally, in the right corner against the wall, he felt something (hopefully a box). He pulled out a very obviously pink box, rising a eyebrow at Marshall lee. "Ironically" he replied, trying to defend he's honor. The prince sight, dragged Marshall by his shirt that strangely enough still was on his body, and pinned him down on the bed. "I said shut it" He said with a deep voice before he again kissed the vampire, the pink box laying beside Marshalls bed.

Marshall watched as the prince dragged of he's own shirt and revealing his soft, pink skin. He sat on Marshall with he's legs on different side of the vampires body that was half laying down, intense watching the pink boy. He unzipped his pants but stopped quickly after just dragging them down an inch or two, getting a small blush. The prince looked at Marshall some seconds before he started to take it of too. When the prince failed the second time Marshall tugged the shirt over he's head. The prince got out of balance and felt on top Marshall. Marshall felt the prince small, warm hand on he's chest as the other boys weight accidently moved closer to the vampire. He pushed up he's knees and wanting or not, Gumball let out a surprised "Marshall..!" as he fell even more forward and on top of Marshall that let out a grin.

The prince could feel himself lose control and soften, Marshall grabbed the boys hips before he quickly turned into a bat. "Huh?" the prince had time to say at the disappeared vampire before he fell, face first, into the pillows with a "ouch" Gumball blinked small to focus better from the fall when he felt a weight over him. "M-Marshall..?" He felt the vampire lower himself and then a deep whisper in he's ear "May I take the dominance roll now, your highness?"

(Writers note: Nearly 1800 reads, are you kidding me !? That's so awesome! I'm really thankful for all of you who read it, voted and comment! :D Please keep it up! C: )

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