Don't you Worry

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Don't you worry

Marshall lee x Prince Bubblegum


It was 6 o'clock a Friday morning and Marshall had got small panic over the party. He wanted to go, of course but he was really afraid to screw up or do something that would embarrass himself. He started to fly around in circles "Shit" It took a bit longer then it should for him to realize that he probably could talk to Fiona. He quickly got down on the floor and started to run against the three house, both forgetting his umbrella and his bass. He hurried there and knocked on the door "Fiona. Fiona. Fiona. Cake. Cake. Cake."He repeated the progress until, after a few minutes a sleepy Fiona opened. "What the he- oh Marshall..Hi" She smiled weakly. "Ye-yeah, I need to talk" "Oh , okay, come in" He walked into her house and started to fly around in circles again. "Marshall be quiet, Cake is sleeping" Fiona said as she watched the vampire float around.

"What is it that bothers you anyway?" "Gumball" said weakly and quiet. "What is it with him?" "Uhh, well he has a party at Saturday and I don't want to screw things up" "Why should he care Marshall? I don't think it's any worries. Did he ask you to go as chum or something?" Fiona started to make a sandwich while talking to Marshall. "Uhh, well.." Marshall was now on the ground and had start to blush. "What Marshall?" She turned around and saw the blushing vampire. "Well, well Marshall, what am I unknown of?" She had a smile on her face and took a step closer to the vampire. "Wh-what" Marshall just started to blush more and took to step back witch made him fall onto the couch. "uff" "Oh, c'mon Marshall. What's going on?" Marshall turned his head to the side and looked away. "Me and Gumball are together.." He said and now his face was red.

"Uuhhhh... Why didn't you tell me Marshall?" Fiona sat beside me on the couch and pushed my shoulder lightly. "I don't know really, I though Gumball told you" "What? No he haven't, but he'd started to act weird when we talked about you, now when I think about it" "Talked about me?" Now Marshall started to get curios. "What did you talk about?" Oh, well a lot of stuff" Now Fiona had started to blush lightly pink too. Marshall started to smirk lightly "Let's hear" "What?!? Nooo!" "Oh c'mon Fiona" Marshall was just about to tickle Fiona when hes stomach started to groan.

"Ops, a bit hungry?" Fiona stood up. "Yeah.." She got to the bench where she leaved her sandwich before and continue to get I done while looking around for something red. "I have some watermelon and peach, is it working?" "Well I guess but you should be careful if the peach is orange" "Why?" Fiona sliced some meat to her sandwich. "Well, if I suck out the color on something that isn't red, if it's lighter then I get drunk. If it's darker I get sick, or well, I have only tried a few other colours, they may give other effects than that. But the most liquid works fine, I mean I must drink water and stuff so.. I got used to it" "Okay, eat it if you want then" She said and passed the watermelon and peaches to Marshall as she started to eat her sandwich. When they had talk a while and was done eating the clock has gone to half past eight and then Marshall remember Fiona's and Gumballs talking.

So when Fiona had let her concentration away Marshall started to tickle her "Tell me now" "Wh-what n-noo" She started to laugh. "It's nothing special" "Then why do you have problem with telling me?" Now Fiona started to tickle back but because Marshall was a bit stronger so he pushed her down, still tickling her when it knocked on the door. But neither of them heard anything for Fiona's loud laugher "St-Stop Marshall!" "Not until you tell me" Then the door opened and Gumball got in as Cake got down from the stairs. "Good morning fi-M-Marshall..?!!?" Cake looked surprised and then very upset as she quickly push away Marshall from Fiona "And what are YOU doing?" Gumball just stood in the door opening looked at least as shocked as Cake had. "I was just tickling her" Marshall said quietly at Cake that crossed her eyes "ye, right" Fiona sat up. "It's actually true Cake, he was" Gumball walked in and stood beside Marshall. "What are you even doing here?" Gumball said, still shocked and small grumpy. It was heard a long time that Marshall and Gumball disliked each other and because he of course didn't know that Marshall told Fiona about it, he still played that roll even though he didn't think about ending up in Fiona's and Marshalls.. tickling fight.

"She knows Gumball" The prince quickly turned his head to Marshall that grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to a kiss. The candy prince started to blush badly and Fiona watched them with a giggle while Cake just looked surprised. After a while Marshall pulled away with a light grin on his face and licked his lips witch only couched Gumball to blush even more.

"Why did you start "tickle" Fiona then?" Cake said, still looking suspicious at Marshall. Gumball looked away with a jealous look on his face that he tried his best to hide."' Cause she told me that Gumball and she had talked about me and she didn't want to tell me why" Gumball started to blush more again then "I think we should keep it that way, Fiona?" "Yeah I agree" "B-but, c'mon guys!! That's so mean!" Marshall said grumpy. "Oh, Marshall they need to have secrets too ya know. They're just kids" Cake said to Marshall with a smile. "Well I guess" "They have been friends sense they were born" Now Marshall only replied with a light growling. "Oh, stop destroying the mood dude" Fiona said, throwing a pillow that hit Marshalls head. "Hey!" Gumball started to laugh and then Marshall floated over him and dropped a pillow on him.

They laughed and it all ended in a pillow war, Gumball and Marshall shared some lunch with Fiona and Cake before they said goodbye and the prince and the vampire walked outside. Gumballs face expression turned a bit jealous again. "What is it?" Marshall said, looking at the candy prince. "Oh, don't you worry about it" "Tell me Bubble-but" Gumball sigh but said. "I just don't want to lose you Marshall" he said, giving the vampire a lightly peek on the lips. "You only loved me in a half year, that should be my line" Marshall said teasy. "Just because your thousands of thousand years old.." Gumball said grumpy. "I'm just teasing you Bubble-butt" "Stop calling me Bubble-but!" "Oh c'mon Strawberry gum" Marshall was about to poke his cheek when Gumball clearly grumpy, flicked away his hand. "I said stop" "Why so grumpy candy boy?" Marshall smiled. "I know you're young and have a hard time Gumball but you doesn't have to bring it out on me" "You don't know how hard is it to rule a kingdom" Marshall chuckled. "No, these candy corns must really give you a hard time" "That's not it!!"

By now Gumball had start to get really angry. "What is it then? Hard for a eighteen years old to keep the evil cupcakes away?" Marshall flipped around the umbrella he got to borrow from Fiona in his hand. "How do YOU know..?!!?! You're thousands of years old, a damn monster and the only thing you have to take care of is YOURself you stupid vampire!!!" Then Marshall stopped immediately, not facing Gumball anymore before he quickly flied away without a word the candy prince got left alone.

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