3.7 •pt.1•

199 11 7

⚠️:Death and murder

It was late at night when seonghwa was out in the garage with a duffel bag in hand and yunho following behind him. "I didn't know you had another vehicle." The puppy boy says as he stares at this dusty black Honda civic in front of him.

"That's because I keep this one hidden for a reason. I don't use my personal truck for anything criminal related. Besides only that one time when I was just getting those things from you at first but yeah.." seonghwa scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact with the other.

"Don't I feel so special!" Yunho twirls around in place, only to earn a deep sigh from the other. "Get in the car." Seonghwa states as he unlocks the vehicle, getting in the driver's seat waiting for the boy.

Yunho whines as he finally gets in the car. "I'm sorry, pookie.." he pouts playfully.

seonghwa stares at him for a moment before leaning over the center console, placing a gentle kiss upon the boy's lips, "I love you so much.." he smiles softly.

Yunho couldn't help but let out a soft giggle, "I love you too, honey!" He says loudly. Seonghwa reaches over the boy to put his seat belt on because he always forgets to. "I literally could have done it myself." The puppy boy whines looking at the other who was putting on his own.

"Yeah, but it seems like every time I tell you to do that. You seem to hear what you want to hear and ignore me." Seonghwa says as he started the car. Yunho didn't even to bother arguing with him as he knew that hwa was right and sat in silence.

As they start their journey to god knows where. Yunho realized something wasn't right. As he scratched the top of his head and felt his ears exposed to the world, "hwa? Shouldn't we hide my ears? I think that their very distinctive. Someone might recognize a guy with dog ears on their head more than anything. Or they might think it was San or Wooyoung since they always have those ears on. And I don't want them to get into trouble because of us."

Seonghwa opens the middle console and hands yunho a black beanie, "Here. I personally don't care if those two were to get involved with our doings if I'm honest. But I don't want you to stress about that. We are going to have fun without a care of the consequences, okay? I've done this so many times for such a long time. I know what I'm doing, but my main concern tonight is making sure that you're still alive. We might get hurt in the process but that's okay. As long as me and you are the ones still breathing, that's all that matters tonight." He says, taking a quick glance at his worried fiancé.

Yunho slips on the beanie and sighs. 'Why does Seonghwa always have to right?' He thinks to himself. He always overthinks about everything. He was the one who wanted to do this with him. "Okay.. Im just overthinking things. But where are we even going?" He asks.

Seonghwa doesn't even know where he was going if he was honest. "I don't know. Just keep your eyes out for anyone that catches your eye."

45 minutes of silence goes by as they ended up in the sketchy part of town.

One that he knew well all of a sudden.

He pressed a small button in his dashboard that hides the license plates on the car. He then parked his car in a parking spot in a nearby park before cutting the engine.

Yunho sat up straight in his seat watching was Seonghwa was doing. The older grabbed the duffel bag from the back seat and placed it in his lap. He took a pair of black gloves and put them on before handing yunho to pair, "I don't want to leave any fingerprints. Wait my hair.." he opens the middle console once again and finds a white beanie. Not the color he was hoping for but it's whatever. He slips it over his head hiding his hair.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu