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"Where the fuck did yunho go with my money?!" Jongho growls out as he was standing in the exact location where where yunho was supposed to be to retrieve his shit.

He would trust yunho to do these errands for him cause he knows yunho would always bring it back like a dog playing fetch. But this time he never came back..

He even went to his house to ask what was up with yunho and they also haven't seen him. But his family wasn't worried about it much as this happens all the time with the boy leaving on days on end and not coming back until a week or so later.

Jongho knew something was up. This was odd behavior from the boy. Yunho knows that he could get in so much fucking trouble with the latter for fucking with his money. He knew better to always come back to him..

"Where the fuck could he had gone?" Jongho mumbles to himself as he walks up to the funeral home and peers into the window. There was no one in there that he could see.


Jongho pulls his out his throw away phone and goes through his call list to find the person he was supposed to get this money from.

"Mars. This crooked motherfucker here.." Jongho calls him and waits for him to answer.

After a few rings and to his surprise someone answers.

"Mars. How may I help you?" A deep voice says into the phone.

"You fucking conniving ass bitch! Where's my fucking money and where is my dog?! You're the last motherfucker I had him do a favor for." Jongho was fuming. He wasn't playing no fucking games and him hearing chuckling on the other line was pissing him off.

"Calm down. I gave whoever that boy was the money for your service. I don't know, Jongho. He probably ran off with it. You should have came here and done it yourself instead of putting trust in people, hm." Mars was in the middle of a experiment when Jongho called him. He really doesn't have time to deal with this fool right now.

Jongho growls in the phone, "HE DOESN'T RUN WITH MY SHIT! HE'S HANDLED MORE MONEY THEN WHATEVER PETTY BILLS YOU HANDED HIM! I'm not playing, man.. I don't even give a shit about this fucking money at this point. Bruh, just tell me where the fuck he is.."

Jongho started to feel bad for making yunho come out to do this for him. He actually liked yunho if he was being honest. And he only trusted yunho to do these things for him.

"I'm telling you the truth! I don't know where he went after I gave him the money. He just walked off."

Jongho bit his bottom lip and took a deep breath. He had to find him. "Yeah, whatever, man. You're hot on my list right now. If I can't find him, I'm hunting your ass down." Jongho hangs up. He runs a hand through his hair.

He swear to god if someone kidnapped yunho or murdered him he was going to fucking lose his shit.

He was lying when he said he liked yunho. He actually loves him. He was only mean to him cause he didn't know how to express himself. He wasn't taught that much growing up.

Jongho was determined to find him even if it cost him everything. He wanted yunho back and safe with him. He knows yunho could have gotten himself in so much trouble with how naive and extremely friendly he is.

He's gonna find where this fucking mars guy is.

He was gonna find yunho.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora