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As the clouds were drew across the sky and the temperature dropped. Yunho and Rosie were playing in the backyard digging around and ripping up flowers from Seonghwa's garden. They were always up to no good when the two were alone together.

Yunho didn't tell seonghwa he was leaving this time. He wanted Seonghwa to get his rest and to be left alone.

The guilt was picking at him little by little but he was having so much fun with Rosie to really care if older freaked out about him being gone.

"Whoa- Rosie, look at this!" Yunho says as he leans into the shoulder deep hole he dug. He notices something shining through the dirt. Picking it up, he sat on his legs, examining the piece.

It was a necklace with 3 rings looped through it. He cleaned the rings off with his shirt when He notice that there was engravings on them.

"Wooyoung... I can't read the other two rings. How sad.." he pouts as he puts the necklace in his short pocket.

The dog wasn't interested in what yunho was saying. She was just happy to be with the boy and in his presence.

The puppy male looked back at the big trench he dug and sighs dramatically. If he didn't fill it back in Seonghwa wouldn't be too happy to have to come outside and fix his mess.

He felt bad just thinking about having Seonghwa fill it in. He began pushing dirt back into the hole without a second thought.

While yunho was doing that. Rosie scurried off into the woods on the side of the house. She never been to the part before in her short life but she could smell a unfamiliar scent in the woods.

She didn't have to walk far to find where the smell was coming from.

An unfamiliar man was in her territory.

It made the hairs stand on her back. "Awe, a golden baby.. you look mean too." The man says as blew smoke out his mouth.

She started growling at the man before her. Even with her efforts the guy wasn't scared of her.

"I love dogs- even if you were to bite me right now.. we can still be friends I guess." The guy didn't know there was dogs loose back in these woods. But he should have guest it if he was being honest.

"Rosie! Where did you go?" A voice that was all to familiar to the dog has her wagging her tail in happiness. But she stayed put to watch the man in front of her.

"Ros-" yunho froze at the sight of the man standing there with his dog.

The man tries to get closer to the boy but with the dog in his way trying to bite him, he couldn't.

"Y-yunho! You're alive!" The male was feeling all sorts of emotions. He couldn't think straight. He wanted to puke. He couldn't fathom his thoughts at the moment.

Yunho didn't even know this man. And why he was saying this? Of course he's alive, why wouldn't he be? "I'm standing right here, moron. Why the fuck would I be dead for!?" Yunho rolls his eyes at the guy basically sobbing into his hands.

As the guy catches his breath he couldn't help but let out a sad chuckle, "I m-missed you so much.. fuck~" the guy signed deeply.

"I don't even know who the hell you are?! So you can stay the fuck away from me. Come, Rosie." Yunho looked at the man in disgust before turning around to walk back to the house.

"WAIT! Please! It's me, Jongho! You know me Yunho.. p-please.." Jongho bit back a sob. He was afraid this was to happen when he found the boy. It's hurts so bad to know that he forgot about him. But he wasn't surprised, he treated him like shit back then. He would have wanted to forget him too if he could.

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