This deep dark secret.. I have kept it buried inside my chest for my whole life. No one knew about this, except my grandpa and my closest friends. The day my happy life got ruined by the hands of none other than my own mother.

Mother.. a relationship which is closest to a child. Children see the world through their parents eyes but the world that my mother showed me was bitter. She showed me how a caring and loving wife can betray her husband, she showed me how a loving mother can abandon her own child for some other man, she showed me how love can destroy lives.. most importantly,

She showed me how love can kill..

"You okay?" I heard Adira ask me as she gave me a small kiss on my jaw, calming my senses. I nodded, assuring her.

"I still remember that day clearly as if it was just yesterday. I could never have imagined the day that started with so much happiness would end up being the worst day of my life." I started telling her about the past that I had buried deep inside of me.

18 Years Ago...

"Mom, you know, she is so beautiful and kind, just like you. I have never seen someone so pretty before," I chanted for the nth time to my mom who chuckled and my dad laughed.

"Hm, seems like my prince has finally found his princess." My mom said, ruffling my hair and I gave my thousand volt smile, thinking about Adira.

That's what dad told me. Her name is Adira Beyonce Jackson. What a beautiful name she has, just like her!

"Yes, mom. I will marry her one day and we will all live happily like you and dad." I said, determined and my parents laughed, amused.

"Okay, my prince, you can marry her but before that, grow up and earn her love. Show her that you're worthy of her love and then I will wish you every happiness with her." My mom kissed my forehead and I nodded vigorously.

We continued eating breakfast, afterwards dad dropped me at school and day passed just like that but I kept thinking about my Adira.

I want to grow up fast and marry that beautiful kind hearted girl. I want to be like my parents after growing up, we will all live happily together. I went to sleep, thinking about her.


I jolted awake suddenly, hearing a loud crashing sound.

What's going on?! Did someone break into our house?

Within a minute, I was out of bed. I opened my bedroom door to hear my dad's loud and angry voice coming from their bedroom.

"Who the hell was he?! Tell me, damn it!" His voice was venomous and shaky.

I walked towards their bedroom door which was ajar, peeking through, I saw my dad standing, shaking with anger but his eyes held unshed tears. He looked utterly broken.

"I fell out of love, Jake. I'm sorry. I fell in love with someone else." I heard my mother's cold voice. If I wasn't watching them, I wouldn't believe it was my mother's voice.

My mother has never spoken like this to my father. I was rooted to my spot, unable to respond.

She fell out of love?!

M-my mom fell in love with someone else..

Someone else who is not dad!!

"You can't do this to me, Eleanor. You can't do this to us. You can't do this to our son." I heard my dad's loud frustrated yell but mom didn't even flinch.

"I am leaving Aiden to you, I will not have any right to him. He will be your son only. I won't ever come back, I am moving to Russia with Drew!" She said without any emotion.

"D-don't leave us Elle, please don't leave. I can't live without you," My dad held her hand as his tears flowed down freely from his eyes.

My mom yanked her hand away from my dad's grip, "Stop being pathetic, Jake. I don't love you anymore!"

She said and turned towards the door where I stood. Her eyes widened, noticing me standing outside the door but quickly her eyes turned cold again.

"M-mom!" I called, my tears falling as well. Her eyes flickered with complicated emotions before she quickly walked past me, ignoring my existence.

I followed behind her, "Mom! Where are you going? Mom, don't leave. I love you, mom. Please don't leave." She walked out and got inside her car, not listening to a word I said.

"No, no, no, mom, no. Please don't leave, mom!" I cried hysterically following her car as she drove out.

I saw dad walking out hurriedly, his eyes red and puffy.

"Dad, dad, mom, s-she left!" I went to him and he quickly held my shoulders.

"Son! Go inside and lock the door. I will go after her and I promise, I will bring your mom back." He tried to speak calmly but his hands were shaking.

I shook my head, "No, Dad! I will go with you, I will convince her with you," I said, determined.

I knew dad was reluctant but I convinced him saying we might lose her car if we don't hurry and dad agreed.

We quickly sat in the car as dad maneuvered the car out of our house and we followed behind mom's car.


Hey lovely readers! How are you feeling about the story so far? Please share your thoughts in the comments! 🥰

Love, Lucertia! 💕

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