10: Coward World

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Oh today I'm lost in the woods,
With the birds that sing their provincial song,
In the haze of some ambiguous day
A foe of the bluish monde
As the dimmed fires kiss our feet.
Oh, the alien pleasures of Autumn rain,
Fear doesn’t mix well with petrichor,
For the euphony of drizzling drops
Leaves us haunted  forevermore.
I sit here for once and all,
finding no sense in sighing forth,
Till the clouds of fright skim the sky,
The sun won’t let her presence known,
Till then the mob is on their own
For me, I shall take my leave,
In the woods, far from grief,
Be damned the people who miss me,
Their coward hearts cower from death,
So death dies of misery now,
Unloved and lost in the woods,
Under a ghostly sky.
They don’t deserve to see me,
They will never find me,
Washed away with the storm,
They will never love me,
They will never miss me.
Be they stuck in reality,
Cry, they shall for mercy,
They killed the peace they so desire,
They went a place of no return,
Their end of sorrow now stands beyond reach
Oh, how he loves their misery,
Only then the world will love me,
Me, who is free of duty,
Coward minds of a coward world,
Be not afraid of breaking free,
For the select few who deem him divine
Lovingly, will return he.

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