Chapter 145

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Chapter 145

In the end I was surprised when Sunghee begged me to let her pick the next job.

It surprised me.

She has a look of child like enthusiasm and wants to prove herself to me. How can I say know when she's trying so hard to be good? This isn't her acting out to be bad anymore either. Rapidly she picks up the token for 'Wildlands search; hunt for orc hunters near the lands of the surface'.

"I think this one will be good. It can be manageable. There are worse things that could have been picked too. Also it's good training for us to get back into the swing of things," Sunghee said. She shrugs at me.

"So you are OK with it then?" Rina questioned, giving me an energetic clipped smile.

"OK, no objection here," I said.

"I don't see anything out of the ordinary about it either," Sunghee confirmed.

"We need to fight back! I hate orcs and stuff like that. We can't let them take this world from us," Rina said. this a revenge pick?

"But they are a basic evil to fight in this world. They aren't actually weak like people think. That's why it's good to know how to fight them. They can swarm in high numbers sometimes too," Sunghee said.

"I guess she is right. If we don't fight them continuously it is letting them have this world in a way," I said.

"I hadn't thought about it like that," Sunghee frowned.

"We can do this," Rina said, pumped up. Although her enthusiasm is there, she is still not a combat person.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. It's still dangerous for you," Sunghee said to her, stabbing her finger into Rina's chest. Sunghee wasn't trying to be aggressive but just trying to make sure she knew to stay close to us.

"I get it. But I want to do better," Rina said.

"Just stay close to me always," I said. I feel like a broken record but you have to focus on the basics of self defense. We went over a couple of other points with Rina too right after that.

Before we leave Gyle got us some military dry rations, two days worth for each of us, just in case. We don't have a guarantee we won't be out a few days plus it's good to have prepared food and extra supplies. It's a good investment I guess because I don't want to mess around hunting stuff and focus on the job. I only want to stay out one day though, but maybe that's just me being lazy.

We checked out of the front gate to the surface that leaves the mountain. Using the job chit as the gate pass works it seems. One look at the chit and the guards understand what's up. It also made the guards less suspicious of the humans in our party, and I guess dwarves are always a bit suspicious of non-dwarves as a defensive trait, though they seem to be trying to not be racist at least.

The guards give us the sunlight protection glasses again since we're not used to such bright light anymore as part of the job detail. For the first ten minutes my eyes are watering like crazy and so are everyone else's while we stay near the door. Having runny eyes makes you want to die. It's like hell. And stepping out into the sun for the first time after so long really makes it that much worse.

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