"How is my favorite couple doing huh?"

"Not bad."

"What do you mean not bad, where is Kinn?"

"He's not home yet. We had a fight."

"What couple have a fight a day after their anniversary, ehh Porsche? Do you want this marriage or not?" Yok was already talking like a deranged mother in law.

"I didn't cause it, Kinn started it." I tried to defend myself.

"Oh no... You're serious."

"Of course I'm serious,"

"Let me see. Does it have to do with jealousy?"


"Porsche, listen. Your man is allowed to be jealous of you. He got himself a handsome man, he knows predators won't take their prying eyes off you."

"He doesn't even listen to me. He won't even pick my calls."

"Give him time, okay. Let him protect you the way he knows best. Okay Porsche."

I sighed. "okay krub. Thank you."


At about eleven pm when it was certain Kinn wouldn't be coming home anytime soon I slipped into Chay's room. I met him already dozing off in bed. He must have sang and danced a lot with Kim that he was exhausted.

I adjusted the blanket on his body then patted his head. Not wanting to disturb him further, I laid on the sofa near the window and managed to get a few hours of sleep.



"Khun Kinn... Are you not going home?" Big asked as he drove downtown to the address of a VIP bar I found on Google.

I sighed. Tired from work and sore from exhaustion. "No. I will be sleeping at the hotel."

Big must have sensed something, but he might think he's intruding if he asked further. "Are you having a misunderstanding with Khun Porsche?"

I liked that he called it a misunderstanding. "Mm." I directed my gaze outside the window.

"Permission to speak my mind sir. Porsche is a handsome man, he always stays on his own and does his work at the casino. The men are always the ones to come after him."

I inhaled deeply. "You are quite observant."

"Khun Kinn, I don't want you to lose Porsche. He is a good person."

I knew Porsche inside and outside. I needed no one to remind me of that. I just felt inadequate at the moment.

"Mmm. I heard." I twitched my jaw. It wasn't the first time Big gave me such advice. There was no point arguing. As he drove into the bar, I texted Tey and Time.


"You called us on short notice. What's up?"
Tey said as he and Time joined me at a private ViP lounge beside a grand bar.

I had texted them the address and they were here within thirty minutes.

"Just needed to see you guys. I have been stressed out lately." The waiter served my favorite drink and filled three glasses. I noticed he narrowed his eyes at me and blushed, like he knew me or something.

I don't know what it is with young handsome waiters having a crush on me each time I visit a bar.

I gave him a slight nod, and he smiled before he walked away.

"Kinn? Come on. I saw what you did there." Time patted my knees.

"I swear it was just to discharge him. I had nothing in my mind." I said. Which was true. I knew it was a tempting period but I would never sabotage my feelings for Porsche for a few seconds fun with a stranger.

That's how far I had changed for Porsche.

"And where is Porsche?" Tey asked. "You both are hardly inseparable."

"I thought he went to the bathroom." Time said.

I shook my head, "I came alone."

Shock lined both their faces. "Why? You had a fight?"

"Is it that obvious?" I asked, hiding my eyes from them.

"Your face look like you haven't had a proper sleep in days." Time said.

I inhaled. "What's a man to do?" I gulped down the drink.

"Should I call Porsche?" Tey suggested.

"He would be asleep by now. Don't bother..." I said.

Time and Tey went quiet. They took their drinks and nodded their head to the pop music playing in the background.

Tey's phone rang and he stepped out to answer the call.

"How are you two doing?"

"Great. You look heart broken man. Are you okay?"

"I need to tidy up some creep, I'm not sure what the fuck it is he had with Porsche in the past."

"Oho... Is that it? Who is he?"

"He calls himself Jack..." I twitched my jaw in annoyance.

"I giess you have every right to feel this way, but I do trust Porsche." Time said.

I glanced at Time and inhaled. "Easy to say, until you're in my shoes."

"Bro, don't get Porsche frustrated with your unresolved feelings. He loves you that's what matters. Jack is the villain here. Focus."

Tey soon returned back to the table. "It's my mom. She's calling to remind me of the auction scheduled for tomorrow."

"What auction?" I asked.

"GR Group, you were made guest of honor, you forgotten?"

"Man... I swear I forgot," I said rubbing my forehead.

"You will be coming with Porsche right, as a couple?" Time asked.

I rested my back on the chair feeling defeated. How was I supposed to tell Porsche we were attending an auction together?


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